Chapter Fifteen

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"I wish you could stay longer. I'm going to miss you"

Caressa and I had been standing beside Rykers SUV for at least 20 minutes hugging. She and my brother were heading home today and I had an overwhelming sense of sadness, I wasn't sure when I'd see them next and I knew I'd miss them both. It also didn't help that Roman wasn't due home for a few more days, don't get me wrong I enjoyed Dean's company and I was grateful to him for looking after me but with the people closest to me leaving and my mate not around I couldn't help feel sad.

"You'll be okay Liv, loverboy will be home soon enough and you know we can always call each other"

I finally managed to tear myself away from Caressa as she spoke and let her climb into the waiting vehicle, as I closed the door and leaned through the widow I felt a stray tear slip down my cheek and immediately Ryker leaned over to wipe it away.

"You sure you don't want to change your mind sis? You can come home if you want"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes

"This is my home Ry, I'll be fine I promise now you two get going and drive safe, I love you guys"

I blew them kisses as they began to drive away. Now the loneliness was really setting in.

As I made my way back inside a sharp pain in my neck stopped me short, my mark was burning, the pain so intense my knees buckled and I hit the ground. I screamed out loud as the pain intensified and immediately my thoughts went to my mate. Roman was hurt and from the pain I was experiencing I knew it was bad.

"Liv you okay"

Dean appeared in front of me lifting me off the ground just as the sound of screeching tires filled the yard. As soon as I was on my feet I saw Ryker and Caressa getting our of his truck.

"What happened?"

My brother shouted as he pulled me into his arms, I was still wincing in pain trying my hardest not to scream again

"It's Roman. Dean you need to call them, please somethings wrong I can feel it"

Dean immediately rushed into the house while Ryker lifted me into his arms and carried me to the living room.

"Liv where is the pain? What does it feel like?"

I gave him a look that screamed 'what the hell do you think' while biting my lip

"It's your bond as mates, you're feeling his pain so I need to where exactly the pain is and what it's like. It should give us a clue as to whats happened to him"

I held my hand over my shoulder indicating where it hurt when suddenly the pain dissapeared, I could still feel a dull ache but it was no way near as bad as what it was.

"It's gone, the pains gone. It felt like I was being stabbed and the knife twisted"

Ryker nodded his head and helped me sit up, I could hear Dean shouting from somewhere in the house and Caressa had tears in her eyes as she sat next to me holding my hand

"There's no way your mate would let anyone get within range to stab him so I'm guessing it was an arrow, the twisting was probably him pulling the damn thing out. Don't worry Liv im sure he's fine"

Dean picked that very moment to appear in the doorway with a smug grin on his face.

"He's fine Liv, they got ambushed by some rogues but they sorted it out. They're on their way home now"

I felt a sense of relief but Deans words still circled in my head "sorted it out", I knew what he meant by it and it put horrible images in my head. I got to my feet stretching my shoulder when Ryker turned to face Dean.

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