Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"As most of you know our former Luna is currently being held in our pack prison"

Roman addressed the packed meeting hall and a few audible gasps could be heard amongst pack members.

"Sienna is not the same woman she used to be. Her intentions for returning are not exactly clear at the moment but we know she means to do harm to our pack"

The entire room began to murmur and talk amongst themselves and I could feel the panic levels rising. As I glanced over the crowd it was clear there were still some members who were loyal to Sienna, namely the ones that were giving me death glares.

"Patrols are being stepped up and a curfew is being placed on the community"

Loud murmurs and protests began to erupt through the room and I could see my mate getting agitated.


The deep timbre of Romans voice boomed through the room and immediately the crowd fell silent.

"Our pack has a reputation that will undoubtedly be upheld. We are the strongest and most feared pack in the entire country and the idiots who think they can cross our borders and attack us are signing their own death sentences"

At the mention of reputation a blanket seemed to settle over the crowd. It was as if something clicked inside every adult wolf in the room and they all were now sat with cold calculating looks upon their faces. Like they were in battle mode.

"Livaya and I will be personally leading Patrols and training runs and remember if a rogue is spotted within our borders you all know exactly what to do. Thank you all for coming. Be vigilant and aware at all times"

As the crowd began to mill out of the hall I moved to Romans side and slid my arms around his waist. He melted into my touch, his arm hooking around my shoulders and pulling me into his side.

"It's coming, I can feel it. Within the week there's going to be a lot of blood shed"

I had to swallow the lump that settled in my throat as I thought about what was coming. Things were definitely going to get rough.


South Western border clear, doubling back for second run.

Seth's voice filled my head as I pushed through the undergrowth keeping my nose trained to the ground. We were running Patrols and so far hadn't caught any out of place scents or tracks, still I knew better than to lower my guard.

Everything's clear on my end, I'll double back until the next shift arrives

With Deans update I felt a little more at ease and pulled back to settle between two wolves in my patrol team. Most teams were made up of three wolves but of course Roman insisted I have at least six wolves patrolling with me.

Luna we've caught a scent, one of our own but not part of Patrols

I immediately halted as one of my team informed me of what they'd picked up. In a flash the rest of the wolves with me got into a defensive position with me in the centre. They began to growl menacingly letting whoever was out there know that they had better show themselves and within seconds a half naked man came stumbling out from behind a tree trying to pull his shirt over his head.

"Woah woah woah wait! It's just me"

It took a second to realise who it was considering I hadn't spoken to him since the night I first met the pack

Mason. What are you doing out here?

I mindlinked him and immediately I could smell the guilt radiating from him, that definitely wasn't a good sign.

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