Chapter Fourteen

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"I'm so glad you two are here guys"

Ryker, Caressa, Dean and I were in the backyard, we'd spent the day hanging out. I was grateful to have them here because ever since Roman left two days ago my wolf and I were feeling the effects of the distance between us. I hadn't heard from him since he left but occasionally his mark on my shoulder would pulse and a warming sensation would spread through me, when it did I'd get the strong feeling that he was thinking of me or at least letting me know he was okay.

"I'd be glad I was here if I were you too, I am pretty damn amazing"

Caressa laughed, I kicked her playfully before leaning into Rykers side.

"So I take it you and your mate are getting along well"

Ryker said as he traced the skin around my mark. I nodded and smiled

"Yes we are so stop worrying, you saw how he is with me"

He rolled his eyes but stayed silent, when he had first arrived Roman still wasn't happy about it and my brother could sense that, only he thought the hostility was towards me as well and that almost ended in Roman cancelling his trip when Ryker suggested me going home with him to my old pack. After a lot of kissing and cuddling I managed to calm Roman down and send him on his way before my over protective brother got one hell of am earful from both me and Caressa.

"You can't believe everything you hear about him"

Deans words caught both mine and Rykers attention and I couldn't help smile as he defended my mate. My brother simply scoffed

"There may not be truth in all the stories but let me ask you now, where is he right now?"

I sat up in my seat and looked between my brother and Dean who had a guilty expression on his face

"That's none of your business"

He growled, he was hiding something from me and I was determined to find out what it was

Don't think I'm letting this go Dean, I have questions that need answering

Dean's eyes shot in my direction as I mind linked him and after a lengthy pause he nodded his head

"Well I'm going to hit the sack sis, im beat"

Ryker pecked me on the cheek before heading towards the pack house, this was my opportunity to talk to Dean and it seemed he had the same idea

"Before you start asking questions just know that Roman has good reason for what he's doing"

Narrowing my eyes at him I sat forward a little

"And what exactly is he doing?"

His eyes flickered towards Caressa who was listening intently and he gave her a hard glare

"I can't discuss pack business with non pack"

His tone was harsh and Caressa gave him a small growl before getting to her feet

"Don't worry I'm heading to bed anyway"

Her tone practically matched his and for a second I couldn't help think what an explosive couple they would make, if only they were mates. She turned to me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek

"I'll see you in the morning Livy"

As she sauntered away I turned my attention back to Dean but before I could question him he spoke up

"There's a pack two states over that have been causing problems so Roman and the guys have gone to sort it out"

His explanation was a little too vague for my liking so I pressed him further

"What kind of problems? And how exactly are they sorting it out?"

He looked frustrated but carried on

"They've been trying to push their borders further out and onto land that doesn't belong to them so they had to be reminded of their place"

The sadistic smirk on his face had my stomach turning

"I'm not even going to ask how exactly they are being reminded but what business is it of this pack if it's two states away?"

I jumped a little when he began to cackle like a mad man, I swear this guy is on something

"You really have no idea just how powerful this pack is do you?"

I hadn't actually given that any thought but as I let his words sink in it made me wonder, what exactly had I become part of

"Liv all that land belongs to us, our pack lands stretch over 6 States. Any pack that tries to take over territory that belongs to us learns fast that their making a big mistake"

All the stories I'd heard in the past about Roman came to mind and I found myself cringing, I didn't even want to think about what he was doing at that point in time.

"Look he'll be back in a few days and whatever is on your mind you can talk to him about then. Just keep in mind you may not like all of the answers you hear"

I went to bed shortly after with a lot of questions and something else burning into the back of my mind, worry.

Worry about what exactly Roman was doing, whether he was safe and most of all worry about whether I could handle the role of Luna to this powerful pack.

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