Chapter Seven

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Dean was in the foyer waiting for me when i was done with breakfast and to be completely honest it was a relief to get out of there and away from my mate, don't get me wrong i wanted to be near him but that was the problem. I found myself unconsciously leaning towards him or accidentally brushing up against him and he would either tense up and huff or just plain ignore me. I felt uncomfortable even more when Momma Grace would make little comments about how adorable we looked together or when she asked Roman when they could expect babies from us. All that talked seemed to annoy him and i needed to get away from the awkwardness.

"You ready for the grand tour?"

Dean sounded less grumpy today but he still had a scowl on his face, i was beginning to think it was permanent. I nodded my head and followed him as he led me through a set of double doors into a living room. It was just as beautiful as the rest of the house id seen so far. Large comfortable looking couches and a huge flat screen tv on one wall.

"So yeah this is the living room, games room is through there"

He looked beyond bored as he pointed through another door and frankly I was feeling the same way

"You look totally bored so why don't we just cut the tour short, is there a gym or training room around here? I can keep myself occupied in there"

Suddenly a crazy looking smile appeared on his face

"Now that's a great idea, how about you go get changed and meet me back here"

I rushed into the elevator punching the button for the 3rd floor, I changed into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top then went back down to meet Dean. We made our way through the house to a building out the back, huge glass windows covered the walls and giant doors like the ones in my room opened out onto a huge training field. Nice, I thought as we walked inside.

"Here it is, best gym around. Now you might want to take it easy and try some of the easier machines or-"

I raised my hand to silence him and smirked

"You're forgetting that I took you down, one twist and I could have snapped your neck"

His face twisted with anger as he glared at me

"Oh come on, lighten up would you. You were a threat and don't forget you attacked us first. It's not like id do it again"

That seemed to calm him down as he shrugged his shoulders. He turned to say something when nasally voice cut him off

"So this is her huh? The alphas so called mate. Pfft she doesn't look like much"

Dean and I both turned to see a pretty blonde girl standing there with her hands on her hips.

"Layla back off"

Dean growled but the she wolf just laughed as she eyed me up and down. I guess this was a better time than ever to start establishing my place in the pack.

"No no Dean, let her say what she has to say"

I tilted my head waiting for her to say something, meanwhile Dean looked between us and began to smile

"I'm guessing your mate hasn't told you about me, well let me introduce myself. I'm Layla and if you're ever looking for your mate he's probably in my bed. It's where he is most nights"

She looked so smug as she spoke and I could feel my wolf trying to take control and rip her face off

Down girl, I got this

I soothed her as I took a step closer to Layla

"Girl you do not want to push me, I will not be disrespected"

She smirked and walked past bumping my shoulder as she went.

"You and me Luna one on one, if you think you can handle it that is"

Oh she was going down, Dean stood in front of me and smiled

"Now I would tell you to stop and think about what you're doing but I now you are more than capable of kicking her ass. It's about time she was brought down a peg or two"

I winked at him then followed her to a large training mat. She didn't even wait for me to reach her before she charged. Wrong move, I side stepped her and spun around kicking her in the back. She stumbled into Dean but pushed him away and turned to face me again. She began to throw punches but they were sloppy and easy to dodge, I hit her with a quick combo of punches to the ribs and when she buckled I kneed her in the face. She got back to her feet and began to laugh

"I bet you're mad huh, knowing he's been in my bed"

My rage was rising and I could feel my claws beginning to shift. She noticed and extended her own claws charging at me. I dodged every swing until the last when she clawed across my stomach. I winced in pain but didn't let it affect me, I blocked her next punch and brought my foot up kicking her hard enough in the stomach that she flew out the wide open doors.

"I'm going to warn once and only once. Stay the hell away from my mate or I'll snap your neck"

I growled as I stalked towards me. She got to her feet and smirked

"I'd like to see you try, he won't let-"

Before she could finish I roundhouse kicked her in the face, she spun and dropped so I picked her up by the hair and held my claws hard against her throat. She gasped and tried to get away but I tightened my grip just lightly piercing her skin

"Who said he could stop me? I could kill you right now. Now im not going to warn you again. Stay away"

She nodded so I let go and dropped her onto the ground. When I looked up I was shocked to see a huge crowd had gathered not only that but Seth and Roman were standing beside Dean who had a huge smile plastered on his face. I walked past her when suddenly I heard her get up behind me, she was going to attack me while my back was turned. I let her get close before I spun around and grabbed her arm spinning myself so I got my leg over her arm and flipped her into an arm bar, with a quick twist I snapped her arm at the elbow. She screamed in pain so I let go and got to my feet

"You ever try to attack me from behind I'll do more than break your arm"

With that I stormed back towards the crowd, I needed to cool off. As I reached the crowd I spotted Roman still standing there watching me intently, his face showed no emotion at all and it made my heart clench. I pushed my way through the small crowd and headed for the pack house. Dean appeared beside me looking smug

"I have a new found respect for you Liv, that was badass"

I tried to smile but images of Roman and Layla filled my head making me wonder if he'd spent the previous night with her. Dean noticed my attitude and grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks

"Look I know it's hard to hear it but yeah he was sleeping with her, you have to understand he lost his mate and he had no one. I think if he knew he had another mate out there things would be different"

I understood what he was saying and he was right, I really had no right to be upset. In the corner of my eye I spotted Roman and Seth walking towards us so I continued to walk back to the pack house

"He's proud of you, he may not show it but he is"

I raised an eyebrow at Dean but he just smiled back

"Trust me"

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