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*Peter's POV*

"I hate this plan," I whispered as we walked through the facility, wearing Hydra uniforms to blend in better, also dragging Y/N between us.

"Do you have a better one?" Y/N whispered back to me and I got quiet. "Didn't think so, now shut up," she mumbled with her head resting against her chest, pretending to have been knocked out.

"Fine, but that doesn't mean I like it," I muttered and now it was Okoye's turn to speak.

"That doesn't matter kid," she muttered and I sighed.

"Easy for you to say, you don't like anyone."

"That's not true, I just don't like you." she countered and Y/N sneakily elbowed us both in the side, making us clear our mind from the fight and see that we had arrived. I took one step forward and knocked on the door.

"Codul, soldat. (The code, soldier.)" a voice said and I gave the others a panicked look.  I don't speak Romanian, but it wasn't hard to guess what he meant, which didn't calm me down because I don't have a code.


"Cui îi pasă, avem fata. (Who cares, we got the girl.)" Y/N said, doing a good job masking her voice. I have no idea what she just said but soon enough, the door opened and revealed a man in Hydra uniform. I barely noticed because all I could think of was how hot it was when she spoke Romanian.

"În sfârșit ... poți pleca acum, mă descurc cu ea. (Finally ... you can leave now, I can handle her.)" he said, reaching out and we assumed he wanted her, so we handed her over. When we stood still, he raised a brow and I tried not to open my mouth in shock, we were supposed to leave.

I quickly made some sort of salute I know to hide that I hadn't understood, but he didn't seem to think it made sense. He opened his mind to yell something, but Y/N stood up and grabbed him by the neck, slamming his head into the wall.

Two guards patrolling the corridor saw and ran over while I heard some men yell from inside the room, but the door blocked my view. Okoye and I turned to the soldiers behind us while Y/N hurried inside to the voices.

I reached one of the guys, webbing him to the wall and webbing over his mouth to quiet him down. Okoye had knocked the other guy down and we both ran to help Y/N, who didn't need help. There had been three people in the room, other than Y/N and the guy by the door, all of the three were now unconscious while she was standing with her arms folded over her chest.

"You're the dumbest person I know." she told me and I felt offended, probably looked like it too.

"How was I supposed to know what he said, I don't speak Romanian."

"That's not what I meant. I meant the fact that you made the fucking scout salute from the Hunger Games."

511 words

This is probably the most epic prologue in this entire series because you spoke Romanian, which is cool. And Peter messed up by being a nerd.

I don't know why, but I'm proud.

- A/N

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