Part 9

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~29th February~

"If the orange stone is really located where Hydra thinks it is, shouldn't we go it before they get the chance?" you heard a voice ask from inside, it sounded like Clint's.

"Except for the fact that mortals can't hold the stones. Even I can only hold it for a few seconds." Quill argued.

"For the last time, it isn't called the orange stone, it is the soul stone." Dr. Strange inclined and several groans could be heard from inside. "Besides, it's not like we can just take it. The stones are well protected, we don't know what taking it would mean." he continued and you pushed open the doors to the meeting room, causing everyone to turn to you.

"We do. Or well, I do. I hacked into Quill's ship to easier get access to information from out of this world. In order to get the soul stone, you need to sacrifice the person you love the most so I don't think we should take this so lightly. However, Clint is right. We can't let Thanos or Hydra get there first. But we need to be smart about all of this." you said, taking a seat by the others. Someone had brought a chair so that Harley could also sit among the rest of you, which was a relief to you.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Dr. Banner asked with curious eyes and you shrugged.

"Not really. I don't feel the need to sacrifice someone, so we need to figure out a way around it. We can't just send someone there to protect it either because there are too great forces looking for it." you said and he nodded.

"So what you're saying is that we can't get it, we need to protect it but we can't do that either?" Quill asked and you nodded. "Do you have anything that is actually helpful you would like to add?" he asked and Gamora elbowed him in the side.

"It's fine, Gamora, we are always like this to each other. As for you Quill, I do have something helpful. If Thanos wants to get the stone, he needs to sacrifice who he cares the most about, which would be your girlfriend. Which means she should be a high priority right now. "

"Easy enough." Rocket said and you sent him a look, but Nebula came first to talking.

"You should not underestimate the power father possesses. He already has three stones in his grasp and he is ruthless in everything he does. He would not be afraid to destroy this entire kingdom just to get what he wants. Once he has the reality stone he will find the other two no matter what." she said before freezing. "What precausions are you taking to protect the stones you have in your grasp?"

You, Okoye, T'Challa, Shuri, Dr. Strange, Bucky and Wanda's eyes met across the table, all of you struggling to come up with what to say.

"We have done everything we can to ensure their safety. I is just about impossible to get hands on them now." Okoye said and you sighed in relief. There was no better way to explain it without putting everyone in the room in danger.

"Great, but how are we going to protect Gamora?" Quill asked and a discussion started about it. But you ignored it, drumming your fingers on the table as you thought.

There was no way you guys could outman Thanos himself. Even if you could, Hydra could still find the soul stone. But you can't really sacrifice someone to get it yourself. Even if you were to get it yourself, you would have to find a way to safely transport it without having it stolen. There were simply to many parts that needed to be fixed to ensure the safety of the stone.

"Y/N!" Someone called and you looked up.

"Hm?" It was Okoye and she was looking concerned.

"We were wondering if you had something to add, you seemed deep in thought." she said and pulled a hand through your hair.

"I was just thinking about how hard it would be to get the stone or to protect it. So what if we do neither?" you asked and now everyone stared at you.

"Are you suggesting we stand by and do nothing?" Thor asked and you shook your head.

"I was thinking more about cutting off the stone. Do you remember when the second war between Asgard and Jotunheim was going on? Loki had made it so that the bifrost would destroy the entire frost giant race. Do you remember how you stopped it?" you asked and he looked puzzled.

"Of course, I am surprised you know about that."

"Well, I've done my homework, so to speak. But what I am suggesting is that we do the same to the stone. If we destroy the path leading to it, it should at least slow our opponents down and buy us enough time to figure something out."

"That might work. I could easily do that with Mjolnir, if someone could borrow me a ship."

"Quill's ship is still here." Nebula suggested and Thor nodded.

"Now all you need to do is pick the people you want to bring." You said and he seemed thoughtful.

"I think Quill could be useful for driving the ship,  Rabbit is an excellent fighter so he could be useful for defense. I don't know if leaving Loki is very wise though..." he started, but you held up a hand for him to stop.

"Do you need for him for this mission?"

"Well, no." he said and you nodded.

"Then I think you should leave him. We need all the people we can for the other issues. As for his tendency to be trouble, I think we can handle him." you said, showing as much confidence as possible. You did believe your own words, but that doesn't mean Thor does so you need to seem trustworthy. His eyes flickered between you and the now offended Loki before sighing.

"Very well than, I wish you all good luck." he said and you smiled.

"Good luck to you too."


The group were gathered to bid Thor and the others goodbye. Harley was standing beside you with a troubled look over his face, aside from the rest.

"I know you want to say something, what is it?" you asked and he glanced at you.

"I don't think that god appreciated you saying you could handle him. Which got me thinking, is it really a good idea to agitate a god?" he asked and you kept the smile on as you waved the small team goodbye. As soon as the door closed, you turned to him with a sigh.

"I didn't say I could handle him, I said we could. And I didn't say it to agitate him." you said and the look in his eyes showed that wouldn't be enough to shut him up. "Like I said earlier, I have done my research and from what I gathered, Loki is one step below genius with great survivor instinct. He will team with the team he thinks will win. If we act like we can't handle him, there is no way he will believe we can handle the rest. Confidence is our best move right now." you explained and the corners of his mouth twitched. "What?"

"I don't know, sometimes I forget how smart you are." he said and you chuckled.

"Well that is terribly stupid of you." you joked and he rolled his eyes. You both turned to join the rest of the group when your phone started ringing. "Go ahead." he nodded an you picked up the call. "Speaking."

"Y/N? It's me, Ned. I'm at the... we're at the hospital and something is wrong."

"Slow down, what is going on?" you asked and you heard someone sniveling in the background of the call.

"We're at the hospital. There's an attack and I don't know what to do." He told you in a panicked voice, gun shots being heard in the background and you swore.

"I'll be right there."

1360 words

While I love Loki, I actually think "one step below genius" describes him pretty well since most of his actions are controlled by emotions.

- A/N

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