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~8th March~

You and Conor had landed on the battlefield only minutes later. The two of you had walked out of the jet together, holding the unconscious Mr. Man between you. At the sight of their unconscious leader, most of the Hydra agents had simply given up. The few who hadn't had been easy to deal with.

You, Maria, Harley, Okoye, Shuri, T'Challa, Bucky, Steve, and Erik ended up on the first jet home, though you brought a medic with you to help patch you up on the way home.

Now, an hour later, your wound was restitched and coated with a fresh bandage, you were finally stepping off the yet.

A large group of people was waiting outside as the group of you stepped off, all of them nervous to find out how the fight had ended. You turned to T'Challa as he offered the crowd a genuine smile. The crowd went off in cheers, coming forward to congratulate you all. Before they could properly reach you, you pulled Maria and Harley aside.

"I got to go." you mumbled and they nodded.

"Tell them I said hi." Maria said and you smiled, before turning around and hurrying off. It took you longer than usual to get back to your room, with all the people gathered. But soon enough, you were standing outside of your bedroom door. You took a deep breath, before opening the door and stepping inside. 

On your bed, Happy and Pepper were sitting, anxiously looking up at the door, afraid of what news was coming their way. But at the sight of you, their faces turned into soft happiness, tears welling up in their eyes.

"Hi." you breathed out. That sprung them into action and they both stood up, hurrying across the room to your side and pulling you into a tight embrace, one you responded immediately as tears started pouring down your cheeks.

And as you stood there, in the arms of two people who had been there for you since day one, you knew.

Even though it might take a very long time, you knew that you would be alright again.

355 words

Frenemy of Spider-Man (3/3 Y/N Stark's story)Where stories live. Discover now