Part 16

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~2nd March~

"Morons?" Peter asked, seeming a bit taken back.

"Yeah 'morons'. What were you three thinking going on a mission like that? You, Peter, with your broken arm. You, Shuri who I thought was smarter than this. And Harley, why didn't you tell anyone that you were wounded so that you could get bandaged up? You guys got hurt and for what, it's not like they could kill me when they need me?" you scolded and they all stared at you.

"Isn't that a bit hypocritical? Didn't you go on that Hydra infiltration thing when you had just gotten attacked? Didn't you go out to fight Hydra agents when you had just gotten out of the hospital? You have done so many reckless things, you shouldn't complain when we do something similar." Harley said and you frowned, regretting that you told him about all the stupid things you've done.

"If it makes you feel better, I scold myself about those things all the time. The difference between what I have done and what you did, is that at least I know what I am getting myself into beforehand. What if they had decided to have extra guards because of Mr. C- Mr. Man. What would you have done then?"

"I don't know why you are getting so upset, I thought it was obvious why I did it." Harley said and you frowned.

"I don't agree."

"Jesus Christ Y/N and they call you a genius." Harley said and you frowned even more.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that Peter isn't the only one in this room who likes you in more ways than just friends should." he exclaimed and everyone froze. Harley seemed chocked that he had just admitted to that. Shuri was staring at Harley and Peter seemed like he was panicking.

Your mouth had fallen slightly and you couldn't muster the strength to close it. Never in a lifetime would you have thought Harley to like you like that. And Peter, you had just assumed that he had stopped liking you during these eight months. But considering how panicked he looked, Harley is probably right.

"Yeah, I'm gonna take that as my cue." Shuri said before miming 'good luck' to you. She left the room and closed the door behind her, while the three of you remained silent. Your own screams still echoed in the back of your mind, but the chock seemed to silence it down a bit.

"That's the most shocking thing this entire week and I have been electrocuted." you finally said, breaking the silence and snapping the others out of their daze.

"Did you seriously not have a clue?" Harley asked, genuinely chocked.

"How was I supposed to know?! I mean, I knew Peter liked me before, but I thought he had stopped by now. And you... I just thought you saw me as a friend." you said and Peter chuckled, making you raise a brow.

"Have you seriously not seen how he looks at you when he thinks you're not looking?" he asked and you scowled.

"No, because I'm actually not looking. God. And why would you even tell me now? There is a war going on. A war and I have just found out important things. There are things I still need to figure out for us to have a chance of winning. I- oh god. I need to focus on the new stuff. Out! Both of you." you ordered and they both seemed taken back.

"What?" he said and you frowned.

"Grabeste-te grabeste-te! (Hurry hurry!)" you urged on, accidentally slipping into Romanian and they both hurried out.

You opened the computer Shuri had brought and started making a list of the people who knew about the time and mind stone situation.

- Bucky

- Wanda

- Vision

- Shuri

- Okoye

- T'Challa

- Strange

- Wong

- You

You knew it wasn't you, like you told the others earlier, you trust Shuri, Okoye, and T'Challa enough to know they wouldn't do something like this. Despite wanting to, you hadn't even told your best friends.

Which leaves Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Strange, and Wong. Five people you either trusted or respected. You didn't want to believe any of them could ever betray you like that. But this wasn't about what you wanted, it is about what is needed. What is needed is that you figure out who the traitor is before they can do any more damage.

A knock on the door interrupted your train of thought, which was hard enough to keep up as it was.

"Come in." you called and the door opened, revealing Ned and M.J. "Hi."

"You look like shit." M.J commented as they stepped inside, closing the door behind them. You couldn't help but smile and she smiled back. "How are you?"

"Have been better, but I have also been worse so I'm not complaining."

"Is there anything we can do?" Ned asked and you shook your head.

"No, though it is nice to see that you guys are okay." you said and they both looked at you like you had a fever or something. Maybe it seemed weird that you, who had just been tortured, seemed relieved that they were okay. "Right. Before I got taken, I got a phone call. It turns out that it was actually my takers with a voice changer. But before I found out about that, I only knew what I heard, which was Ned panicking about the hospital being attacked." you explained and M.J's mouth turned into a small o.

"I see. But we're just fine, though you had us worried." Ned said with a smile and you nodded before an idea struck.

"I'm glad. But I have to retract my former statement, there is something you can do for me." as soon as those words left your lips, they both perked up.

"Of course, anything."

"Could you bring me a couple of people, one at the time? I'll send you a list of who." you said and they both nodded. As they turned to walk out the door, you remembered something. "Oh, and Ned?" he looked over his shoulder, nodding for you to continue. "Thank you for not having feelings for me." you said and he chuckled.

"Harley finally spilled?" he asked and your eyes widened.

"You knew?!"

"It wasn't my place to tell you, but of course I knew. Everyone knew. It is just the way he looks at you when you-"

"Aren't looking. Yeah, I've heard. Just, get those people."

1087 words

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