Part 24

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~4th March~

"Does everyone understand the plan?" you asked as you made sure every knife, electrifying coin, cuff-plate, screen bracelet, gun, and some other things that are technically just prototypes. The three who were following your plan nodded and you smiled. "Now this goes for everyone, do not turn off your com under any circumstance. I can't access the cameras so we won't have a clue of what we're walking into." you said and everyone nodded.

As the jet door opened, Harley walked over to you and leaned close enough so that only you would hear it when he whispered;

"I didn't think you would actually sleep with all of this before us." You chuckled silently.

"What can I say, I keep my promises." you said and all twenty of you walked off the jet. Everyone split up into the groups you were going in with. Loki, Erik, and Clint made their way over to you, the two first ones looking puzzled.

"Why did you need us two to join you?" Erik asked and you flashed him a smile.

"Because you have problems with authority, but you are usually pretty good at listening to me. As for you," you said, looking at Loki. "I believe I understand the width of your power better than most due to research, which is why I think I am best fit for handling you." you said and they nodded slowly, Loki with a small frown.

During the hour of planning, it had been decided which team should go to which door. There were three openings. The front, the back, and the east, why there was no entrance to the west was unknown.

The door by the east was technically only an exit, which was why it was decided that only one team would enter that way while the other doors had two groups each.

Agent May and Peter's group are going to take the back one. Okoye and Harley would take the front one. Your group would be taking the East one. You turned to the others with what you hoped was a confident smile.

"See you inside." you said and with that, all the groups went to their doors. You stopped in front of the East one and turned to look at the other three. "The jammer on the ship will throw off the alarms. Once we open this door, we only got three minutes before everyone inside will know we are there. If any of you reaches out as much as a hand to open the door before Okoye's signal, I swear on my mother's grave that I will cut that hand off. Am I making myself clear?" you asked and they all seemed a bit taken back, though Loki also looked a bit impressed.

You picked up an electrifying coin to use on the door as you waited in tense silence, the only sound that could be heard was the wind blowing.

"Proceed." Okoye's voice said in the com and you threw the coin at the door. Electricity flowed and you could hear the sizzle of the high-tech lock burning from overload. You wasted no time in pulling out a knife and pushing it into the small gap. You twisted and bent for a few seconds until the gap was large enough for fingers to fit.

"Loki, mind using some of your god-strength?" you asked and he stepped forward, pulling the doors open. "Thank you." you said and the four of you entered. You took the lead and chose the right corridor while picking out one of those prototypes you had packed. It was meant to sense when an infinity stone was close by scanning for the right amount of gamma radiation.

Clint stepped up beside you while the other two kept their distance from you two, the last thing you need was getting cornered just because you were all at the same spot at the same time.

"Since when were you so hostile?" he whispered, quietly enough for only you to hear.

"I figured the god back there would appreciate that more than a gentle voice. If we seem weak, he might turn on us. Besides, I have a lot of pent-up anger, even for a teenager." you explained in a quiet voice and he nodded. You could hear soft murmurs from the men behind you, but it wasn't loud enough for you to hear them.

"Anything on the reader?" he asked and you shrugged.

"Hard to tell. I think it is a stone, but it acted like this while we were on the jet with Bruce as well so I don't know for sure." you said and bit his lip thoughtfully.

"We shouldn't have come. What if this is a trap?  Agent Ward was level 8 when we finally got onto him, who says he isn't fooling us again?" he asked and you sighed.

"We knew this was risky from the moment we set foot here, which is why we didn't leave Wakanda unarmed. This could be a trap, but I can feel it in my bones; the stone is here." you said and he flashed you a grin.

"Well, if we die, then I guess I'll see you at the other side." he said and you nodded with a smile, though you didn't agree. After all the lives he had saved, he would definitely have a good afterlife. Whether that meant heaven, Elysium, Valhalla, or something else. But you had caused so much destruction in your short life, it seemed likely that you'd end up in hell/hel, the Asphodel's field, o maybe you'd come back as a worm.

But you didn't fear death, you hadn't in a long time. There was only one idea of death you feared and that was the idea that you would meet all of your loved ones again. You didn't want your parents to see you as you are now, because they would be so disappointed.

"We should turn here." you said and turned. According to the map you had seen before your first time coming here, the safest place to keep a stone should only be a couple of turns away. Five minutes tops before you go there. "How far do you guys have left?" you asked and before someone could answer, a loud alarm could be heard through the building.

"Nine minutes." Peter had to scream into his com to be heard.

"Six." Agent May said.

"Seven." Okoye added and it was silent for a moment.

"Sorry, had a run-in. Six minutes." Harley said and you couldn't help but chuckle. You were about to add something when you heard a loud beep from the com. Looking at the others, it seemed like they heard it too.

"Alright, coms are out." you said as calmly as you could. "Loki, Erik. I want you two to split up and find a group each in case they are in trouble. Once you do, proceed with the mission. Clint and I will continue from here. If Thanos and his guys thought they needed to split us up, we are definitely on to something."

"If we are on to something, couldn't that mean you are in danger? Should we really be splitting up?" Erik asked and you smiled.

"It is risky, but so is going here in the first place." you said, but he didn't look convinced. "I am sure. If something happens, I have some new babies I am more than willing to use." you said and he nodded slowly.

"Be safe." he said before turning around and hurrying off. Loki gave a polite nod before running off as well. You turned to Clint and the assuring smile fell off. He had been a S.H.I.E.L.D agent for as long as you could remember and you knew he always walked into danger, as long as he knew what his odds were.

"If we are on to something, we could be attacked by human assistants, aliens, or Thanos himself at any moment. I suggest you have your bow open and hand ready to grab an arrow." you ordered as you hurried your steps into a jog. Stealth was no longer a necessity anymore so your main hope was getting there faster than they expected.

Your steady pace faltered when you heard him mumble something... it almost sounds like he said he was sorry. You heard the sound of an arrow being pulled from his queue and turned around to see whatever threat he was facing.

At around the same time as you did face him, one of his normal arrows hit you in the lower stomach.

"Bloody hell Barton. I thought I told you to be ready to pull an arrow, not do it. Besides, I thought you never miss."

1461 words

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