Part 6

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~29th February~

You, T'Challa, Okoye, Peter Q, and Cap were standing in front of the rest of the heroes that had been gathered, discussing plans and answering questions. Suddenly, Thor raised a hand and Cap nodded for him to speak.

"I'm sorry, but I thought the earth's mightiest heroes were supposed to be gathered here today." he said and the five of us looked at each other in confusion.

"Well, yes." I said and he nodded. I realized what he was going to say before he even said it.

"So, why is Stark not here?" he asked and everyone who knew the truth turned to me where I was standing.

"Look, Thor... you were gone a really long time. There was an explosion and my... Stark died. I'm sorry, I guess I forgot to tell you." you explained and Thor nodded.

"I'm sorry, I lost my father too so, I understand how you feel." he said and you nodded slowly.

"Anyhow, as Okoye was saying, we have been watching over the computer data from the different Hydra bases. Okoye, please continue." you said and she cleared her throat.

"Yes. It looks like this one facility has gotten word of the fact that Thanos is about to make a move and is planning on doing some big thing to get ahead. What it is, no one knows but if we could get in, we can easily find out what they are planning and stop it. Any questions?" she asked and you smiled. She has been amazing at her job since the day you met her, but lately, she had truly been flourishing.

"I have one, well, three." Peter said and Okoye nodded for him to continue. "When are you planning on doing this? Who's going? Where are you going?" he asked and you turned to Okoye. This lead was still new so not even you knew these details.

"It's in Romania, we will leave at dusk. As for the who, I'm thinking that I should go since I know a lot about it without being someone they know too much about. I would like to bring Y/N for the tech parts and you, Mr. Parker since three is the logical number for us not to be too screwed while not bringing too much attention. You are the sensible choice since no one knows who you are out of costume." she said in a way too salty way and you elbowed her in the side.

"Be nice." you whispered so only she could hear you and she chuckled.

"What? It is true." both you and T'Challa gave her a warning glance and she rolled her eyes. "We have two hours before we need to go, make good use of it. The people not going with us can make yourself useful some other way." with that, the meeting was over and everyone went to their own.

You walked over to Peter with a sigh. Sure, you were still pissed and hurt that he had ignored you and all of that, but you wanted everything as professional as possible while in this war so if Okoye isn't going to apologize, which she would never, then you might as well do so.

"I'm sorry about Okoye. She is a really loyal person and she is my friend... not that I have really said anything bad about you, it's more from her own perspective that she doesn't like you." you explained and he smiled.

"It's fine, I deserve it. Besides, the fact that she is so loyal makes me trust her more." he said and you nodded before hurrying off.

If you were going to spend who knows how much time with him, you might need to blow off some steam before. But if someone were to ask, you can simply say you're training for the mission.

You reached the gym in no time, going straight to the lockers to grab your wrappers. After quickly wrapping your hands, you turned to one of the boxing bags and started to swinging. You only got around five minutes of privacy before someone interrupted.

"What did that boxing bag ever do to you?" Natasha asked playfully and you stopped, taking a few deep breaths before turning around with a fake smile on your lips.

"Sorry, didn't see you there Nat." you said and she sighed.

"What's wrong kid?" She asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Nothing's wrong. I just thought I should get in shape before the mission..." you started and she sighed again. "Look, Nat. I don't know you well but I trust you a lot so please don't get offended when I say this; I didn't come here to have a therapy session. I came here to blow off some steam."

"Fine, we don't have to talk. But I could actually use some training, wanna spar?" she asked and it was your turn to sigh. She was obviously trying to avert your focus on the sparring so that she could pry. But it could be good to spar with the black widow.

"Alright, we'll spar." you said and she smiled, shrugging off her jacket before walking over to the mats. You quickly joined her there, raising your hands into a fighting stance while nodding that you were ready.

She threw a punch, which you caught with ease. You let go and she quickly moved to do her signature move, the one where she uses her legs to throw the opponent down. You ducked and grabbed one of her legs, causing her to fall onto the mat. Before you could move towards her, she jumped back onto her feet and swung a fist into your stomach, making pain flourish.

Despite the pain, you straightened your back and kicked her in the knee crease. She fell onto one knee and you kicked her into stomach.

"You sure you're alright? Because that seemed pretty angry to me." she mumbled as she stood up, throwing a fist, which you caught with your hand. She tried to use her free arm to punch you, but you grabbed that one too and kneed her in the stomach.

In her fall, she used her leg to kick you off your feet and you both fell onto your backs, panting for air.

"Fine, maybe I'm a little bit frustrated." you finally admitted and she smiled.

"Sexually?" she asked and your eyes widened.

"What? No! I mean I'm frustrated that my old best friend and I are only talking because of work after eight months of nothing! I am frustrated to have had to bring my dad up. I am frustrated that I have to help save the world from Hydra and Thanos when it has been less than nine months since the last time."

"And you have every right to feel this way, but you shouldn't keep these emotions to yourself. You're just a kid, you shouldn't even have these worries to begin with. But you do and the best thing for everyone would be for you to share them." she told you as she sat up and you followed shortly after.

"I'll keep this in mind if I survive all of this."

1196 words

... It feels so unpersonal to not say anything here, but I don't really have anything to add so this question will have to do;

Who is your favorite side character of the marvel movies?

- A/N

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