Part 5

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~28th February~

*Peter's POV*

Why only the three of us were supposed to go to the lab was unclear to me. To make matters worse, it had to be Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson as well, the people who probably hate me after Germany.

"Alright, Bucky, you're with me. You two can stay with Y/N." Shuri said before leading Mr. Barnes with her.

"Sam, follow me real quick, Peter, I'll be right back." Y/n said and I nodded slowly. The two of them walked away and I took my time to look around. The lab was huge, I mean really huge. I had been in one of Mr. Stark's labs once and that was nothing in comparison to this.

Prototypes for Mr. Udaku's suit was standing in a row while there were screens and keyboards everywhere.

"Impressive, right." I turned around quickly, seeing Y/N stand without Mr. Wilson anywhere to be seen. "Sam is on a test run for his new wings. Shuri and I made a new and improved pair since he lost his old pair to the government." she explained and I nodded.

"Why did I need to come to the lab though?" I asked and she gave me an excited smile as she hurried over to an empty mannequin stand and I followed.

Although, it wasn't completely empty. There was a pair of shoe-like things, connected by a square. Y/N gave me a small smile before leaning down and pressing one of the shoe things, causing the whole thing to move until it was a full suit with my mark on it.

It looked like my suit, but it seemed to have been inspired by the iron man suits, making it a whole new level of cool.

"Wow..." I mumbled and she turned to me.

"I started building it around the days before the whole me being wanted as a terrorist thing, trying to get it ready for your birthday. Now, during the months I've lived here it has kind of grown into a hobby project that I finished two weeks ago."  she explained and my eyes flicked between her and the suit. She made that by herself?

"How does it work?" I asked and she pressed a screen next to her, showing the suit in pieces with small texts next to each.

"Well, as you can see, it is highly inspired by the Iron man suits, but it is still a lot like the suit you're used to. Karen is installed already and if you press the button by your right index finger, she will send your coordinates immediately so that backup can find you."

"The suit is bulletproof like my father's suit and it can hold its durability can withstand a Russian orlov, but it remains flexible. The web-shooters are upgraded to make the shot more precise and the web fluid is sturdier. Other than that, it is pretty much exactly like your old suit. The few other differences are things you can ask Karen to explain." she explained and I gawked. 

"That's awesome!" I said and she looked towards the way Shuri and Mr. Barnes had went before leaning towards me, making my heart skip a beat.

"A tip that has nothing to do with the suit and more to do with you is to stay clear of being alone with Bucky, Sam, Okoye or Shuri. Because I'm going to be honest with you, they are not a big fan of yours." she said before the door to the others opened and she leaned back with the old smile back on her face. "You can use the room they came from to change into the suit, just to try it on."

*Normal POV*

At about the same time as Peter left to try on the suit, your pager called and you excused yourself to Sam before hurrying out to Okoye. She was standing in front of a spaceship, trying to stop the other warriors from attacking.

"It's fine, I know these guys." you told the warriors as you approached the now opening ship, revealing the silhouettes of eleven figures. You made your way over to Peter with a smile.

"How you doing Y/N?" he asked and you shrugged.

"Well enough for the end of the world." you answered and the two of you gave a quick embrace before he walked over to say hello to T'Challa while you walked to Gamora with your hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Y/N." You said as she shook your hand, before leaning closer to her to say, "Sorry about Quill, I know he can be quite a hand full."

"Tell me about it." she said with a chuckle, before moving along and you turned to Drax.

"Drax the destroyer, I've read lots about you." You said with a smile as you shook his hand, before turning to Mantis. "You must be Mantis, I hope these guys haven't been to tough on you."

"Thank you." she said and you turned to Rocket.

"Rocket, it is nice to have you here. And don't worry, we have a top-notch gun for you to use in the battle." you said and he smiled. "You must be Groot. I am afraid I don't speak the language, but I am sure we can get along great nonetheless."

"I am Groot." he said and Rocket turned to you.

"He says you seem nice." he explained and you smiled at the tree.

"Well, you don't seem to bad either." you said before looking at Nebula.

"I am assuming you are here to fight Thanos," you started, leaning closer so only she could hear the rest. "but if you as much as try to turn on us, I will make your childhood look like paradise." you leaned back with a smile and she seemed puzzled for a while, before turning to Gamora and saying;

"I like her." next in line to be greeted was one of the Asgardians.

"Thor, son of Odin." he said with his hand out and you shook it.

"Y/N, Stark's kid." he seemed slightly confused, but didn't ask further. "Bruce Banner, it is an honor to finally meet you. I have been a geek towards your work for as long as I can remember." you said and he smiled, shaking your hand.

He walked over to T'Challa and you turned back to the two people left to greet. The one kind of in the back was easy to recognize from the footage of New York and that one S.H.I.E.L.D lab. But the girl was not someone you had ever seen before.

"I'm afraid I don't know of you yet, I'm Y/N." you said with your hand out and she shook it with a small hint of a smile.

"Valkyrie, pleasure." she introduced herself and it dawned on you. She was a literal Valkyrie.

"Well, it is nice to have a warrior like yourself on our side." you said and she stepped aside, leaving you with Loki.

"I'm Loki, of Asgard." he said and you tried not to roll your eyes, as if that wasn't obvious already.

"I know who you are. Now, believe me when I say that I can understand the whole problem dad thing, which is why I don't blame you for your past deeds. But if you try to do anything even remotely similar to that, I will handle you myself." you said, without changing your voice or your smile as you shook his hand.

"Duly noted."

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The gang is here! Now, a quick explanation of some things. The reason Loki is alive is that civil war took place in 2016 and his death in infinity war wasn't until 2018. It is now 2017. As for why the revengers are gathered with the guardians is because Y/N kind of asked Quill to find them at the beginning of these past eight months.

- A/N

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