Part 21

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~3rd March~

"Sorry I'm late, I had a class to finish." Erik said as he entered the room and you nodded his way. Since you had several people to who it was up to you to hand out jobs, you decided to call in a meeting to do just that.

"It's alright. Geezer, this is Harley and Peter. Harley, Peter, this is Erik." you introduced them and they all nodded in acknowledgment to each other. "Has any of you been filled in by T'Challa?"

"I have." Shuri said while the other three simply looked lost. If you were being honest, you were feeling kind of lost. Never had you been in charge of something like this before.

"Well, for those of you who don't know, T'Challa put me in charge of handling the alliance with Hydra and you guys are the people he assigned me to put to work on helping me with that. So, I thought I would tell you what jobs I have come up with." you explained and Peter raised a hand. You nodded for him to continue.

"Are you well enough, you have only been back for two days."

"I'm quite alright. Torture is meant to be painful, that doesn't mean the damage is too bad. Now, I have jobs for all four of you." you said turning to Shuri. "I want you to find their tech, I want everything they know to be something we know."

"On it." she said and you turned to Erik.

"I want you to be Mr. Man's shadow. If he is planning on betraying us before Thanos is beaten, I want to know before it happens." you said and he nodded. "Peter, Harley. I want you two to figure out the location of the-" you started, but were cut off by a knock on the door. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing three people. Mr. Walsh, his oldest son, and a woman who couldn't be anyone other than Mrs. Walsh. You held up a finger to them and turned back to the boys.

"As I was saying, I want you two to find the reality stone. As long as we don't know where it is, we have a great disadvantage. Now, unless you have any questions, this meeting is over." you told them and most of them stood up and started walking to the door, but Peter walked over to you.

"Will you be alright, being with him?" he asked and gave a quick nod. He nodded and walked out, past the trio, and closed the door behind him. You sat down in a chair, gesturing for them to sit down on the sofa opposite of you. They did and you eyed them all, one at the time.

Mrs. Walsh was beautiful in a striking way. Her hair was brown with grey in it. Her skin was olive and her eyes were brown. The son, Cian had raven hair, tanned skin, and a serious face. His eyes were a sort of dark brown with a spot of amber in the right one.

Mr. Walsh was exactly as you remembered him with his mostly white hair, pale, sun-kissed skin, and kind face. Despite looking kind, all you could think of while looking was the things he had done to you. The electrical shock, the burn, the small stabs, and the many punches.

"So, to what do I owe this pleasure?" you asked politely, hands in your lap and fingers braided together firmly.

"We are aware of everything my husband has done to you and everything we have done to make this fight easier for the bad guys. So we have decided to help... the good guys this time." Mrs. Walsh explained and you nodded.

"I see. That sounds like a good idea. However, I am more interested in why you are here, with me, when you should probably be talking to T'Challa. The king of this country." you said and they looked confused.

"We have talked to him, did he not tell you?" the son asked and you furrowed your brows.

"Tell me what?" You asked, despite having a pretty good idea of what they were about to say.

"That we are here as your workers." the son said and it took you all of your willpower not to freeze. You were going to work with the guy who tortured you, meaning that you would see his face all the time as a steady reminder of what happened to you.

"We can ask to be re-assigned if you're not comfortable with this." Mr. Walsh inclined and you shook your head.

"No... no, that won't be necessary. It just would have been nice with a heads up so that I could come up with assignments for you. But it is alright. Uh... would you mind if I kept you here for a moment? Just to see what you know about Hydra, maybe you have something useful." you said and they all nodded.

"We wouldn't mind at all, ask away." he said and you forced a smile, despite only having one thought on your mind; This was going to be a long day.


"T'Challa!" you called as you stepped into the conference room where he, Okoye, and Steve were discussing strategies.

"Y/N, how's it going with the Walsh family?" he asked and you smiled politely.

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about if you could come out here for a second." you said and he looked at the others, who nodded. He followed you into the corridor and closed the door behind him. "You were the one who assigned them to work with me, correct?" you asked and he nodded. "Well, I just- it would have been nice if you took it up with me first." you explained and his eyes widened.

"Oh god. I completely forgot to do that. Do you want me to re-assign them? If it is too hard to be around them after everything, just tell me and I will set them up somewhere else." he said and you smiled.

"I know, but that's not it. I think it was wise to assign them with me since they know a lot about Hydra. It just took me by surprise and then I didn't have any time to think about what they should be doing and all of that. So, I just wanted to say that if you could keep me filled in in the future, that would be great."

"Of course. I apologize sincerely." he said and you smiled.

"Don't worry about it. But, that was all I had to say so you can go back to the meeting."

1115 words

Steve Carell as Mr. Walsh

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