Part 15

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~2nd March~

"Alright, tell us everything." were the words Shuri had used, so that is what you did. 

Starting with the phone call, then the attack on your way to the hospital, you recited the words said while you were awake in the facility with ease. You finally got to the things you had been yearning to tell since you woke up in the hospital bed. You told them about Mr. Crab, about Hydra and Thanos working together, you explained how you had made him understand who Thanos really was. 

You then told about the rescue and how the four of you knocked out the four people with you. Finally, you explained the family's situation, which had caused them to do everything they did, though you left out the promise you had given since it felt private.

The others listened in silence, waiting until you were finished before they asked questions, and they had questions.

"Hydra has been working with Thanos all along?" Okoye asked and you shrugged.

"Maybe. But I don't think so. When I was being hunted as a terrorist, everyone made it seem like it really was two sides, sides that did not blend. Even the people on those sides did so. My guess is that they got together after the..." your voice gave in and you quickly made it seem like it was a problem with your throat and not your mind by clearing your throat. "After the fight in the house, my old house." you said, memories of your father that day flooding your mind.

"Are you suggesting that they didn't know about each other until then?" she continued and you nodded.

"Yes, well, sort of. Secretary Ross worked for Thanos, so Thanos probably knew the organization Hydra existed. But I don't think either team had realized that they were both sharing a goal; finding the stones. Once they did, becoming allies must have seemed like the smartest choice."

"Seems reasonable. What about the family? Are you sure they are being forced or could it be something they said to gain your sympathy?" T'Challa asked.

"They never gained my sympathy, only respect for their loyalty. As for if I believe them or not, I do. I have an easy time reading most people. Even if it did turn out to be fake, it hardly makes a difference since it didn't change my willingness to give them information." you said and he nodded with his hand resting over his mouth as he thought.

"Speaking of giving information. How much did you give them?" Okoye asked and T'Challa gave you a soft look.

"No matter how little or much it is, I still find you strong for having made it through all of those... six hours, was it?" he asked and you smiled.

"Yes, six hours. Though I didn't tell them anything. I simply used my own vulnerability to gain information from them. They don't know about anything other than what they did before. Which is that the stones are hidden in separate locations and that only one person knows each location." you said and they all looked at you with a mix of chock and admiration in their eyes.

"Most people would have broken down within the first hour, even trained warriors." Okoye stated simply and you sighed.

"Is there any other question you'd like to ask?"

"Yes. You were on the verge of passing out when Harley got you out of the chains, anyone else could have knocked out Mr. Man, why did you do it?" Shuri asked, probably been wondering that since she first saw it happen.

"Quite a simple explanation actually. Think like this; Mr. Crab is a man that most people that know of him fear. If I, a teenage girl, could knock him out while in a state like that, he won't be seen as that scary anymore." you explained and Okoye smiled slightly.

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