Part 23

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~4th March~

"Y/N?" a voice asked and you jolted up straight in the chair you were sitting in. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you... when was the last time you slept?" Harley asked and you stretched before answering.

"Just a second ago." you said and he frowned.

"When was the last time you slept before that?" he asked and you sighed.

"Right before I woke up in the hospital." you answered and he gave you a scolding look. "I know, I should sleep. I'm just having trouble relaxing, nothing serious. What was it you wanted?" you asked and he gave you another harsh look before answering.

"We think the stone is in the Romanian base that has disconnected from Hydra's records. According to Shuri, the tech was so sure in his boss that he didn't even tell him-"

"Wait! That's not protocol. Could you describe the tech?" you asked standing up from your seat and hurrying out. You didn't look back as you hurried, but you could hear his footsteps following you.

"His hair is dark, he is in his late thirties, brown eyes. He really reminds me of this one character from the game Until dawn." he said and your eyes widened.

"Agent Ward... you don't know him. He used to be a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, my mom's friend. But he betrayed us for Hydra. The thing is, he never was a tech." you started explaining, hearing him gasp as it dawned on him.

"If he was a traitor once, why couldn't he be again? You think he is working for Thanos?"

"I do. If he pretended to be the tech when the base was already shut down, he wouldn't need to do anything other than act. Harley, I need you to get the quinjet ready." you said and he frowned.

"You need to sleep..."

"I'll sleep on the jet, I promise. But right now, I need to alarm the others. If Thanos has four of the stones, we can't wait any longer, because I think he will find a way to break me in a way I knew Hydra wouldn't be able to." you said and he nodded grimly. He ran off and you leaned against the wall to take a deep breath.

No matter what happens, you cannot let Thanos get his hands on you. Hydra had tried to break you, ordered you to tell them everything. But they believe that order only comes from pain.

They forget that physical pain is not the only kind. Thanos would remember that and if he used your loved ones against you, you would tell him everything.

Your back straightened as you realized what you might have to do. Thanos wasn't going to get you, no matter what.


Gathering the right amount of heroes was easy. When you had burst into the conference room where everyone who hadn't been under your charge was gathered and you yelled; "I need your help", it had set everyone in motion.

It was decided that fourteen heroes were going. You were going as well. Three of the people from S.H.I.E.L.D were also going with. Two others didn't quite like the term heroes and thus, twenty people were going.

- Steve

- Peter P

- Wanda

- Clint

- Bruce

- Scott

- Okoye

- Drax

- Peter Q

- Rhodey

- Strange

- Valkyrie

- Harley

- Wong

- You

- Agent May

- Agent Coulson

- Agent Hill

- Erik

- Loki

You had heard good things about almost every single one of them, except for Loki. But that could be because you have never had a casual conversation with his brother. As all of you were sitting in your chairs on the jet, Agent May by the wheel, the others were discussing strategy.

You should probably be listening, but the sound of familiar voices speaking helped you calm down and right now, you were working on keeping your promise to Harley and get some sleep.

"Y/N?" someone asked and you opened your eyes.

"Yes?" you asked and the others seemed a little irritated, but Harley had a soft smile on his lips which kind of made it worth it.

"We were discussing how only five of you have been in that facility. You, Okoye, Harley, Peter, and Agent May. We figured those five should be the leaders of five groups. Because if we split up, we'll cover more ground. Is that alright with you?" Agent Coulson asked and you nodded with a small smile.

"Agent May asked foryour opinion on which people you think would compliment her abilities well." Maria continued and you nodded.

"I'd say she would work well with anyone. But Strange, Scott, and Rhodey make a lot of sense to me." you said and they nodded. "Anyone else who needs help choosing?" you asked, straightening up in your seat.

"Yes." Peter and Harley said at the same time and you nodded.

"I'd say you, Wanda, Drax, and Valkyrie would be a good mix." you said to Peter, before turning to Harley. "You, Agent Hill, Quill, and Wong should make a good team." you continued and Okoye turned to you.

"Do you have any requests on who to take with?" she asked and you closed your eyes as you thought.

"I want Erik and Loki. I'm not sure who I want the third one to be."

"I think I'd like to work with you." Clint said and you nodded.

"Sounds good. Okoye, that leaves you with Steve, Bruce, and Agent Coulson. Any problem with that?" you asked and she shook her head.

"I'm going to have a strategy talk and I suggest the rest of you do too." Okoye said and every team leader nodded.

"The travel to Romania should take three hours. I'm going to make good on a promise and sleep for two of them. I will discuss strategy on the third one." you said and Harley smiled while the others seemed confused, but they didn't try to argue.

"Before you go to sleep, could you answer a question?" Agent Coulson asked and you nodded. "How are you so sure about this?" he asked and you picked up your phone.

"I asked Shuri to send me the security footage of the lab in case I got a question like this. Look familiar?" you asked as you held up a still where you could see Ward's face. "When he got caught, he hasn't been doing anything to help Hydra, so he was probably not working with them. He had no reason to be in Wakanda, unless he is working for the other side. I think he is working with Thanos."

1109 words

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