Part 20

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~3rd March~

"If you excuse me, I have a doctor's appointment." you said to Mr. Man after leading him, a handful of his soldiers, and the Walsh family into the palace. Okoye got the job of - along with a Hydra officer - taking the family on the quinjet to pick up the rest of them from where they had been held captive.

You hurried out through the back door and onto the grass outside, falling to your knees next to the door where no one inside would be able to see you.

Your breathing became irregular as you thought back to what you had just done. Not only had you come face to face with an army alone, met the man who caused your torture, and agreed to work with just about the worst criminals this world had to offer. You had also just created an alliance with the very organization your mother gave her life to take down.

Which means you just betrayed everything your mother stood for. You betrayed the very memory of her.

"Hey. Hey- hey- hey. Look at me." you heard Happy say, before seeing him crouch down in front of you. "Look at me. Focus on me." he said and you looked at his eyes, focusing on the brown of them. "Breathe. In through the mouth and out through the nose." he whispered and you did just that. It was shaking at first, but it soon came in as relatively normal breaths. "There we go, there."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to panic." you whispered and he reached forward, drying the tears you hadn't even noticed falling.

"It's alright. It will be alright." he assured you and you bit your lip.

"Maybe, but not in a long, long time." you said and he gave you a sad smile.

"I know, kid."


"Y/N!" a familiar voice said and you spun around, seeing T'Challa looking at you expectantly. After assuring Happy that you were good enough to continue working. He wanted you to go back to the hospital bed, but staying in a bed like that had never been your style. You had walked around, helping some of the others with smaller issues for the past three hours.

"T'Challa. You look like you have something you want to ask of me. Shoot." you said and he gave you a sheepish smile.

"Yes. I do have something to ask of you. Since I am the king of this country, I am in charge of everything from here and I have a big hand in most things not from here. So I have some things I am in charge of and being close to being in charge of Hydra would require all of my attention." he explained and you nodded.

"You want help figuring out who to put in charge over that. I mean, there are many good prospects-" you started, but he cut you off.

"What I was going to ask of you wasn't to figure out who to put in charge, I wanted to ask if you could be in charge." he said and your eyes widened, though you played it off as simple chock instead of panic.

"I don't know. I mean, do you really think Hydra - people who believe "order only comes from pain" and other crap - would listen to a kid?"

"I don't intend on making you go alone. You will have Shuri, Harley and Peter under your command. You will also have a grownup under your command, a grownup who doesn't listen to me." he said and you grinned.

"Geezer!" you exclaimed and he chuckled.

"I don't know how you got him to like you when you keep on calling him that." he said and you chuckled.

"I have my ways. As for what you were asking; sure, I'll handle the Hydra alliance."

(Flashback to September 4th)

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