Part 8

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~29th February~

You drummed your fingers on your knee as you waited for the door to open. Peter had passed out once you snapped his arm and even now, three hours later, he hadn't woken up. The four of you who had been on the mission were all at the hospital of Wakanda. 

Okoye with a few bruises and a small cut on her forehead, Peter with his broken arm, Harley with bruised knuckles, and you with a couple of bruised ribs and a small bruise blossoming on your throat.

As per usual, you had managed to talk your way out of staying in the hospital bed so you were instead waiting outside of Peter's room.

Happy and May were on their way, until then you had offered to stay outside in case the doctors had something to say. As if on cue, the outer doors to the corridor opened and the couple entered in hurried steps. May offered you a weak smile before entering Peter's room while Happy was fuming.

"You have some explaining to do young lady. What were you thinking?! Not telling me you had been attacked. You didn't tell me that the infinity stone issues were resurfacing and then you go on a mission, without telling me." he said in a loud voice and you sighed.

"I only got a small cut from the attack, nothing that I felt you needed to worry about. I was really only on the mission for my brain and the stone issue is still not public information so keep your voice down."

"Kid. I know you may think it is normal to get attacked and get a cut. But in reality, you shouldn't have been attacked at all. You need to tell me stuff, I'm supposed to look after you."

"I know and I'm sorry. I swear, next time I get into trouble, you'll be the first one I tell." you assured him and he sighed.

"Next time?"

"Let's face it, there will be a next time. I mean, I am an L/N and a Stark. Trouble is my middle name." you joked and he smiled.

"Good point." he said before sighing again. "Look, I'm only trying to look out for you." he said and you smiled.

"I know. You're doing a better job than most would." you told him and he smiled. The door to Peter's room opened and you both turned to it immediately. A doctor walked out and as soon as he got out of view, you saw a relieved-looking May. She stepped into the corridor and closed the door behind her.

"I talked to the doctor and he says his arm is going to be as good as new in no time. Apparently his spider senses are boosting his healing process so it is only a matter of weeks." she told you and the two of you smiled.

"That's great news." you said as you stood up, clearing your throat. "Look, May. I want to apologize for dragging him into this mess." you said and she furrowed her brows.

"How is this your fault?"

"I was the one who asked Steve to assemble the heroes, which includes your nephew. He wouldn't have been on that mission if I hadn't suggested it." you said and she gave you a smile, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"You need to stop blaming yourself for things. It isn't your fault that the bad guys never rest and it isn't your fault my nephew has a bloody hero complex. Besides, even if you hadn't gotten him here, he would have simply found trouble back in New York." she said and you couldn't help but smile. "Now that that is out of the way, he was asking for you." she told you and you froze.

"You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to." Happy reassured and May nodded.

"I know he hasn't been treating you right these past months, so I won't blame you if you choose not to talk to him. It is entirely up to you." 

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