Part 3

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~27th - 28th February~

Before you could say anything else, the others started asking questions, all at once. Because of the many voices, it was hard to hear anyone and they, therefore, started almost yelling.

You felt your breathing get less and less air as your vision blurred. The people around you seemed to notice since all of them got quiet.

"Everyone back off!" a man called out as you heard hurried steps coming over and they all listened. "Y/N, look at me," he told her gently with his hands on your shoulders and you turned to him with tears in your eyes as you gasped for air. "Hold your breath, can you do that for me?"

You gasped a few more breaths before holding your breath as well as you could. Once you released the breath, the attack had seemed to stop and you were only shaking as the tears finally escaped your eyes.

"I'm sorry," you whispered and Bucky pulled you into a hug, stroking your back as he whispered;

"It's okay. You're okay, kid."


You woke up in your own bed, still in the dress but the shoes were off. All you could hear was snores coming from below the bed. You crawled over and peeked over the edge, seeing Shuri and M.J sleeping in a sea of pillows.

As quietly as possible, you stood up, grabbing some casual clothing before walking into the bathroom and locking the door.

You quickly washed off the extra sweat from earlier, however long ago that was. Once you only smelled like vanilla soap, you stepped out and wrapped a towel snuggly around your body, starting to dry yourself off.

Once that was done, you put on the clothes and stepped outside, accidentally waking the two women up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just needed to wash off the sweat from yesterday."

"It's fine, how are you feeling? You kind of passed out once you calmed down." M.J said and you smiled.

"I feel fine. But I think we should go to the lab, if these people knew more than some of my best friends, who know what else they know?" you said as you put on some shoes, but Shuri grabbed your arm to stop you.

"Are you sure you're up to it? I mean, the drug they laced the sais with must have taken its toll. Then the pressure all of us put on you, which I apologize for, and finally,  your panic attack would have taken a lot. I won't stop you, as long as you're sure."

"I'm sure, I promise."

"Alright, let's go. M.J you can go to Ned and go through the city a bit," she suggested and M.J nodded with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"You go ahead, Shuri. I need to speak to M.J for a second," you told her and she nodded, walking out and closing the door. As soon as she did, you turned to M.J with an eyebrow raised. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing..." you gave her a glare that instantly stopped her from continuing that sentence. "It's just... I have known you for a little less than a year, and I never noticed. I feel bad about those times over the phone where I would rant to your even though you have gone through worse stuff. I also feel bad about the fact that you put yourself in danger all the time to save others when I have never done that, not once."

"I want you to know that you can always talk to me. I also want you to know that it is not your fault you didn't notice, I am good at keeping secrets. Finally, I don't want you to think you're not doing anything. You're doing so much for me just by being my friend. I would have gone crazy long ago if I didn't have you and Ned."

"Thanks. Now, I think you should go save the world, as usual," she said, with a real smile this time and you chuckled.

"I hopefully won't have to do it again after this. At least not in a long time. Bye." with that, you hurried to the lab where Steve, T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, and Bucky were waiting.

"Good morning Y/N," Okoye said and you smiled at her.

"Morning. Have the attackers told you anything important?"

"One talked about the infinity stones, Thanos, and said that he was coming. I know that sounds like some stupid thing to say to scare us, but then I saw this while watching the security footage." She brought out two photos. One was on the first man you knocked out yesterday, the other was an alien.

"Isn't that just lovely? Did they mention a deadline or something?"

"No, so I think we should start preparing immediately," she said, looking over at T'Challa for his opinion.

"I agree. Y/N, you met four of them, did they say how much they know?"

"We only really talked about them being four and me being alone, so no." with that said, you turned to Steve. "I think there is something you need to do?"

"Of course," he said and you smiled.

"I need you to contact the rest of the heroes." he gave you a confused glance.

"Why me?"

"Because you're the captain and guess what, it is time for the Avengers to assemble."

900 words

So, I kind of hate this chapter ngl. But it is needed for the rest of this story so it is here. I personally have had many panic attacks in my life, though I am not very old yet. If you are struggling with any sort of mental illness, know that I am here if you need someone (PM's are open) and I am sure you can make it through all of it. You are stronger than you know.

- A/N

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