Part 10

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~29th February - 1st March~

You didn't even allow yourself to stop and think before you started running towards the hospital The others around you called after you, but you waved them off. Within minutes you were only a yard away from the hospital, with the closest people being inside of there.

A hand grabbed you shoulder suddenly, jerking you to a stop. You felt a prick in your neck, but ignored it to elbow the person holding you. You turned around as they stumbled, reaching up to your neck and pulling up the small syringe sticking out. It was still filled with whatever fluid it was holding. You kicked the person in the knee crease and they fell onto their back. You easily pressed your foot onto their chest with a frown.

"Who are you? Are you the one attacking the hospital?" you asked and though the mask covering the persons facial features from your view, you could sense their distress. "Answer me. I may be against killing, but I could still crack every bone in your chest if that is what it takes to get the answer out of you." They moved their hand slowly, bringing up a small device and putting it over their mouth.

"There is no attack." they said in Ned's voice and you swore.

"You wanted to bring me away from the others, why?" you asked, but instead of an answer, someone grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you back. You swiftly shrugged them off, turning around and clocking them, them being another masked person. The person you had pushed down got back on their feet, grabbing your right arm and the second one grabbed your left one.

Without hesitating, you slammed your head into the face of the person on your left, making their grip loosen and you freed your arm. You quickly elbowed them in the throat, before turning to the one on your right, kneeing them in between their legs. They lost their grip on you as they crouched over in pain, giving you the perfect time to hit them. You then elbowed them in the back of their head as they leaned down and they fell unconscious to the ground.

A prick in your shoulder caught your attention, you moved your hand to the spot and pulled out a tranquilizer dart.

"You okay?" A tiny voice asked and you turned to see a smaller figure leaning over the person who's still awake. That was all you were able to see before everything went black.

*Thor's POV*

The travel to Knowwhere had been a bit of a bore. The rabbit did give some good jokes, but that was all that really happened, so getting out of the ship was a relief. The three of us exited the ship and looked up at the cliff before us.

"Wait. Something is wro-" before I could even finish that sentence, a beacon of sort hit me in the chest. I fell right back into the ship and the others yelled. Several other explosions had been heard by the time I got back on my feet. Around us, were soldiers with that hydra symbol that Stark's kid had been speaking about.

In the hands of the one who looked like the leader had the very red stone we were here to keep them from taking.

With a shout, I ran forward, ready to pull the stone from their hands if I had to. But one of the soldiers threw a small piece of metal on the ground before me and it exploded with electricity, bringing me down.

The last thing I saw before I passed out were the "Hydra" soldiers boarding our ship.

*Normal POV*

You opened your eyes to see chains on your wrists, holding you up as you hung. You were now wearing soft shorts and a sports bra, someone had changed your clothes while you were down. A man walked forward, into the light and you grabbed a hold of the chains, holding you up in case you need to defend yourself.

"Rest easy, my daughter changed your clothes. I'm a lot of things, a pedo is not one of them." He said and you stayed quiet, eyeing him.

He was not a soldier, probably one of Thanos's guys. He seems to be in his late thirties and has an Irish accent, but not the way of speaking so he is not native there.

"Why am I here?" You asked and he raised a brow.

"And I heard your were smarter."

"Don't be stupid, I know you want he stones. But what do you expect to happen? You think I will just tell you where it is? And even then, there are three more containers that I don't know the location of." you snapped.

When Shuri had gotten the mind stone out of Vision's forehead safely, she had also found a way to destroy the stones into the size of dust. Once both the mind and the time stones were dust, you gathered the dust into four containers.

You got one of the containers, to hide where you saw fit and never tell anyone about where that is. The other containers were handed out to T'Challa, Wanda and Bucky, one container to each of them. While you knew where your own container was, that was the only one you knew about.

"My plan is to ask you nicely about the location of yours and then ask for the other people who have containers." He said and you scoffed.

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I have other ways." He said and your raised a brow while he gestured for someone hiding in the dark. A girl a little bit younger than you stepped forward, nervously pulling a cart with her. The cart was filled with objects you only knew from movies, things commonly used for torture.

"You don't seem like the torturing type." you stated and he nodded grimly.

"Yeah well, it is crazy what you'll do for the people you love." The man picked up a knife you remembered being used for torture in the 100 and walked over to you.

"I'm guessing that you're not talking about the guy I knocked out, want to tell me the full story?" you asked and he gave you an unamused look. "I know you expect me to be afraid, but I honestly think I'm to crazy to be just that." You continued, changing path and he raised a brow.

"You're not crazy, you're a genius." He said and you smiled.

"What's the difference?" He looked at you for a while before sighing and walking even closer to you, just in reach for you to kick his hand, making him drop the knife. You then pushed his shoulder with your foot to turn him slightly before wrapping your legs around his throat.

"I told you, you should have chained her legs to." The girl said and you chuckled.

"Parents need to learn to listen to their kids." you commented, legs wrapping tighter and forcing the air out of his lungs. "I suggest you let me go, unless you want me to kill your father." you warned and she furrowed her brows.

"You've never directly killed someone before, I doubt you want to start now. Besides, I have another one of these." she said, picking up a small pipe and shooting you with a dart.

"Son of a bit-" you mumbled before passing out.

1248 words

I feel like this chapter was just that one sound going "oh shit" several times because nothing is going good rn xD

- A/N

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