Part 18

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~3rd March~

"Come in." you called as you sat in your hospital bed, documenting your thoughts in a document on the computer to help you keep track. Normally, your brain was like your own Alcatraz. Stuff got in but rarely got out. But the concussion had taken its toll. 

The door opened, revealing T'Challa, Happy, May, Okoye, Peter, Shuri, and a butt-load of Dora Miljae soldiers.

"Hey guys, what's wrong?" you asked and they all looked uncomfortable, meaning that whatever news they were carrying was hard to bring up.

"There is a man out to see you on the meadow." Happy finally said and you raised a brow.

"What man?"

"The man." he said and you straightened up, pulling the bright cover off your body and standing up on shaking legs. Happy hurried over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. "You don't have to do this." he assured you and T'Challa stepped forward beside him to look you in the eyes.

"He's right. No one is going to force you into anything you do not feel comfortable doing. That man put you through a lot, it is understandable for you not to want to face him again." he said and you smiled at him.

"I know you would never force me, but you don't need to. Besides, I knew from the moment I woke up here that he would come to meet me." you said and they all stared at you in confusion, causing you to shrug. "I just thought it would take him longer to figure it out."

"Figure what out?" T'Challa asked as you opened the door to the bathroom and shrugged on the robe hanging on the door.

"I, a teenage girl who had just been tortured for around six hours was able to knock out the leader of the infinity stone division of Hydra. If he can make it seem like we're on civil terms, he can make it seem like it was all planned and staged by him. It would make him seem less weak. Of course, he would come, when and what he wanted to speak about is the thing I didn't know." you explained as you tied the robe to hide the revealing hospital gown under it.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" T'Challa asked and you held up a hand.

"I am sure." he and Happy looked at each other for a while, before sighing.

"What do you need?" You flashed them a smile at that.

"I need to go get a shower and get dressed. I can't show up showing weakness,  he'll exploit it. I need someone to tell him that I will be there in ten minutes. I want someone to get my bag of toys to my room, safety first. I know he most definitely said he wanted to speak to me alone. But you wouldn't want me to go alone. If someone could ask Strange to keep watch and be ready to create his portals." you told them as you walked out, the others clearing so that you could get through.

"Which bag?"

"My favorite, of course." you said with a smile, and Shuri's eyes widened.

It only took three minutes for you to walk from your hospital room to your palace room. Peter and Shuri followed you into the room but stayed inside the room as you stepped into the bathroom. You closed the door and started undressing.

You put your hair up in that ponytail-bun combo and stepped into the shower, turning on the water and ignoring the sting as it touched your still open wounds. You bit your lip to stop a hiss from escaping, you made quick work of scrubbing your body clean. Once the water became less red and more well, watery, you stepped outside and wrapped yourself in a towel.

You walked over to the mirror above the sink, let down your hair, and started brushing it. A light detail caught your eye and you brought your hand to it, grabbing it and pulling it forward.

Frenemy of Spider-Man (3/3 Y/N Stark's story)Where stories live. Discover now