Part 29

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~4th March~

You sat down in front of the safe, eyeing the different variables holding it closed. There was a thumb scanner, ten-digit code, there is a lock that needs a key and if you try to open any of them the wrong way, a bomb would blow up the floor of the vault and the stone would fall through old plumbing pipes that now have built-in air blowers to transfer it... somewhere.

"He was thorough." you mumbled as you reached for the pocket on your right thigh, but stopped when you heard him move the gauntlet. "If you want me to crack tech like this, I'll need a mini screen, which is in my pocket. Have someone else pick it out if you must, I need it." you told him, head snapping to shoot him a deadly look.

He hesitated for a second, before nodding towards Mrs. Lopez and she hurried over to you. You ignored her searching gaze as she opened the pocket you had just tried to open.

She brought out all the things she found inside, which is a lot. Four electrifying coins, two cuff plates, another bandage prototype, and one mini screen bracelet.

"Which one?" she asked and you pointed at the bracelet. You held out your arm to her and she slapped on the bracelet. It transformed into a screen and you pulled back, turning to the safe while hitting in in letters and numbers.

The first lock that needed to be opened was the thumb scanner, meaning that you would need Mr. Man's fingerprint.

Normally, that would have been an issue, but you knew something about him most people don't. You knew that the rumor about the crab ruining his mission was true. How could you know that?

Easy, some agents had found the crab, which he had picked up and yeeted away. The fingerprint was still in S.H.I.E.L.D's system. So all you needed to do was hack into that system and find the right file, should be easy enough since you have hacked into their base before.

The only difference is that three agents of that agency are standing behind you, seeing your moves.

"Is that-" Coulson started and you shushed him.

"Scold me later, I need to focus." you mumbled as you entered the right file. You allowed the screen to do a heated hologram above it and you used it to unlock the first lock. Only two more to go.

A part of you wanted to fail, let the bottom of the box explode, and get the stone out of this tyrants grasp. But then he would kill everyone in this room and the stone would get to another tyrant. In this version, there was still hope that someone would survive.

You made the hologram photographic and aimed it at the code key-pads. The hologram made itself a mirror of the keys and the prints on it, showing which keys had been used.

0, 4, 8, 2, 9, 6, and 1. 2, 8, and 0 had both been used twice in the code. You clicked a button and the screen started calculating which order everything was supposed to be. Finally, it showed the code 0882462910. you clicked it in and when there was no explosion, you almost sighed in relief. The hologram workings were another thing that was still only a prototype, which you got done two days before your birthday and never had time to test it.

"How are you going to fake a key from here?" Mrs. Lopez asked and you froze.

"I have my ways, but I need something from my other pant pocket to do so." you said and she looked at Thanos. He nodded and she quickly pulled out all the things from that pocket, holding it out. "Give me the blue button." you mumbled, focusing on the lock itself instead of the room around you.

"Here you go." she said as she handed it to you. As your hand closed around it, you took a deep breath. 

When you click the button, the variables in it will get mixed into a form of clay. Thirty seconds after activating, it turns into a solid form as durable as a diamond. At least that is what it is supposed to do unless you miscalculated literally anything, then you're all screwed.

You pressed the button and felt the clay form in your hand, but you didn't stop to feel the texture, instead, you started pushing it into the keyhole. You pressed until no more of the soft clay got in, meaning that the lock was filled. You waited impatiently for it to solidify, but it did and you sighed in relief.

"Why are you relieved?" Mrs. Lopez asked as she peered over your shoulder.

"Most of the stuff I brought with me today are prototypes, meaning that I had no clue if they worked or not until I tested them." you explained as your fingers grabbed at the hard piece of clay sticking out. You twisted it and heard the click from inside. Without hesitating, you opened the safe, an idea forming in your mind.

As soon as the safe opened, you stood up, elbowing Mrs. Lopez in the face, forcing her to back away. You then kicked the stone out like a football, a fire of pain erupting in your foot where your skin had touched the stone, causing you to stumble. Meanwhile, the stone flew in a perfect arc across the room. Everyone turned to it with widened eyes as you reached for a ball attached to your belt and threw it in the same arc as the stone had just flown.

The ball hit the stone before anyone else could react. The ball itself was pretty much designed to work like a pokemon ball, capturing whatever you threw it at. Once the stone was in the ball, it was no longer dangerous to the touch.

All at once, everyone in the room threw themselves towards the stone, though Harley got there first. Thanos made his way towards him, but Harley threw the ball at Steve who caught it with ease. As soon as the ball was in his grasp, he turned and started running to get out of Thanos's grasp.

This seemed to piss Thanos off and he raised his hand, using the stones on his gauntlet to starts steal everyone's skin cells. Pain and panic rose inside of you, causing you to think clearly.

Without hesitating, you threw a small ax you made yourself from vibranium. It hit him right in one of the main muscles of his left arm, causing his entire arm to go slack and thus stopping him from using the stones.

His eyes widened. Whether it was from pain or chock was unclear. He used his right hand to move his hand, using the blue stone to transport him out of the facility. As soon as he disappeared, you felt your strength disappear and you fell to the ground.

Maria, Harley, Coulson, and Erik were by your side in seconds, eyeing you for wounds.

"What the hell happened?" Harley asked and you slowly pulled up the jacket and tank top with one hand, revealing the bloody bandage.

"When?" Maria asked and you closed your eyes with a deep breath. "Don't close your eyes. Open your eyes and tell me everything."

"Clint shot me, I don't think he hit anything vital... but I think I've lost some blood."  you mumbled, forcing your eyes to open up a bit. Your aunt chuckled, shaking her head slowly.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want you to bench me." you whispered. "Wait! How many of us made it?" you asked, trying to sit up to check, but was pushed back down by Maria.

"We'll fill you in, but you need to rest. We'll take care of the rest."

1316 words

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