Part 37

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~8th March~

Fury turned to a group of aliens coming your way to aid their master while you turned to said master. With trained ease, you pulled out a knife while your broken arm hung slack by your side. You jumped onto his slightly bent knee, before driving the knife deep into his chin, straight to his brain. He crumbled and you just barely managed to jump aside before he could crush you.

After the leader was down, it only took about an hour to either kill or kick the rest of Thanos's army back to their home.

This brings us to the current situation. T'Challa and Coulson had called in for medics and you were as of now sitting on a rock, getting your arm taken care of. Lucky you, it wasn't sticking out the way Strange and Peter's had so there was no need to snap it into place.

There was a need to wrap it and put it in a sling and the doctor told you that you were not allowed to use the arm until they deem it safe. You quickly nodded, eager to get away from there to see how the others were doing.

"Alright, you're free to go." the doctor said and you gave them a thankful smile, before hurrying off. Somewhere in the heap of people, a lot of people you care about are sitting.

You wanted to see Steve, Bucky, Shuri, T'Challa, Maria, and Harley. The order didn't really matter, as long as they were okay.

"Miss L/N!" Someone called and you spun around, forcing down the reflex to pull out a knife. Fury was coming your way and you groaned, he was probably the last person you wanted to see right now. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to go with me on my jet for some questioning."

"Actually, I would mind. You see, I still haven't checked in on everyone else. Besides, you're not the director of S.H.I.E.L.D anymore so you don't have the authority to pull me in for questioning. Agent Coulson, the actual director, has already questioned me. Now, back off." you said in a not-so-sweet tone. The sound of someone clearing their throat caused the two of you to turn and you both landed face to face with a pissed of Nick Fury.

Before you could react, an arm wrapped itself around your waist from behind and a knife found its way to your throat, causing your breath to hitch.

You turned your head slightly, just enough for you to see the other Fury take away the knife real quick to grab at something on his face, pulling it off and the Fury facade along with it, revealing the face of Mr. Man. As soon as he did that he placed the knife back and around forty of the supposed backup pulled their guns and aimed it at your friends. Considering how the war had just been won, almost everyone had lowered their guard, meaning that no one was prepared to act.

"Woah, easy now Mr. Man. Why don't we talk this over like civil people?" you said, forcing your voice to remain calm.

"We will talk about this, my way. This is just a precaution to make sure no one follows." he said simply and your eyes met with Maria's, who was sitting next to Harley. They both shook their heads for you to not do anything Mr. Man wants you to do.

"How about this, you tell your men not to fire and I will come with you, without putting up as much as a fight."

"No!" Maria called and Mr. Man tutted.

"I'm not talking to you so I suggest you stand down before I am forced to take care of you." Mr. Man threatened and she looked like she was about to argue, but you got to it first.

"Stand down Agent Hill, be smart about this. You are clearly not in a position to fight." you said, using her professional name to keep Mr. Man from realizing just how close you are. You gave her a look that told her that you have a plan, hopefully, she would be able to read it, though it was a bit of a lie. "Lead the way." you told Mr. Man calmly and he started moving the two of you towards one of the smaller jets.

"Don't shoot unless provoked." he ordered his men and you felt relief wash over you. Mr. Man led you onto the jet and closed the door behind you two.

"So, I'm assuming you had something very interesting to discuss, considering that you just infiltrated this mission uninvited." you commented and Mr. Man gave you a humorless smile.

"Dreadful etiquette, I know. But to be fair, you broke into my facility and stole something that wasn't yours. Yet, you refuse to share the things you have with me. I plan on changing that." he said and you cursed in your mind.

"Thanos broke in first and was going to steal the stone, I just got to it first. As for the plan on changing that, I suggest you remind yourself that the last time you tried that, it didn't work. All it did was allowing me to gain information about you."

"There are other ways to change someone's mind than simple torture, your friend Barnes should have showed you that." Mr. Man said and you did your best to hid your panic, but your eyes widened despite your efforts. "Finally, you react not only like a normal teenager, but a normal person." he said with a wide smile, gesturing for you to sit in one of the jet seats.

Some seats were already taken by his soldiers, but he had gestured to a free one and taken another free one himself, positioned opposite of you.

"From what I've gathered, you'd need the red book for that. Which I really doubt you have your hands on." you commented as you took your assigned seat, if only to hide how your legs were trembling.

"The blokes who had him in their hold thought it was the only way, we have figured something else out. A way where all that is needed is a very painful machine to mix up your mind." he said and you narrowed your eyes, trying to spot any lies. But there were none.

Your mind and body were still buzzing from the fight and everything hurt, but you still forced yourself to think.

If your mind was put in a blender, so to speak,  Mr. Man would get a fourth of both the mind and time stone. He would also get one step closer to the other fourths and the reality stone, so you couldn't let that happen, which meant you had to stop him.

In your mind, you made a count of every detail you could think of. You had an arrow hole in your stomach, a broken arm, some small stab wounds from your day with the Walsh family, a burn on your left collarbone - which made it hard to move that shoulder forward and you have a minor concussion.

As for weapons, you had lost another knife in the past hour, meaning that you had only five left. The people around you were all carrying guns and there were fourteen of them, Mr. Man included.

Altogether, your odds weren't great. But if you didn't try, the whole world was at risk, so you had to try, even if it kills you.

1256 words

Did you get the Heathers reference I snuck in there?

- A/N

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