Part 22

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~3rd March~

After speaking to T'Challa, you had assigned Mrs. and Mr. Walsh to assist Peter and Harley with their search for the stone. Cian had been sent to help Shuri since he apparently had some skills when it comes to technology.

As for yourself right now, you were getting ready to meet with Mr. Man. Since two of the jobs you had given the others meant they had to go unnoticed, you felt that it was a good idea to keep his attention elsewhere.

You put your hair in the same hairstyle as before, after brushing it slightly and the string of white was impossible to spot. You kept your clothes simple, but yet formal.

And of course, you had some knives strapped on where they weren't visible and small gadgets of your own creation in your pockets.

Once all of that was fixed, you hurried to the room you had told him to meet you in. As soon as you opened the door, you saw four people in there, one of them being Mr. Man who was sitting in a chair. The other three were simply some of his soldiers who were all standing behind or beside him.

"Mr. Man, I am glad to see you follow time well. I see you brought company too." you said as you closed the door and sat down in the chair opposite of him.

"Ah, yes. Pardon me, but you do not have the best track record with people of my occupation." he said and you smiled.

"True. Well, I would say the same goes the other way around, which is why I of course didn't come empty-handed." you said honestly and he gave you a puzzled look. "What? Do I have something on my face?" you asked in a joking tone.

"Not more than the bruises, but that's not why I was looking at you like that. I had expected you to be less forthcoming."

"I wouldn't normally be with someone of your occupation, but I figured it was the best move since we are in an alliance." you said and he smiled.

"About the alliance. When I spoke to the king while you were on your doctor's appointment, he made it seem like you were going to be in charge of handling the alliance, and considering that you are here and he is not, I assume that I was correct." he said and you nodded.

"Yes, you were. Is that going to be a problem?" you asked and he shook his head.

"Not at all. I just thought it was funny how you thought he wouldn't trust you enough to let you make the alliance, and yet he put you in charge of it." he said and you opened your mouth to speak but before you got the chance, a knock could be heard from the door.

"Come in." the door opened, revealing Erik, Shuri, and Happy. All of them looking like they had something urgent to say. You turned to Mr. Man with an apologetic smile. "Duty calls. I'll have to reschedule this talk." you said before standing up and walking out without waiting for an answer.

The four of you walked in hurried steps through the corridor. You waited until you were out of ears way from the meeting before saying;

"One at the time."

"Cian and I were able to find something of interest. A Hydra base in Romania, the very same one you broke into not too long ago, is completely off the database right now. The tech didn't know why so it could either be by Mr. Man's orders and in that case, he is onto us. Or it could be someone from the outside who has taken over it." Shuri said in a hurried voice and you nodded.

"I'll try to bring it up casually with Mr. Man, thank you Shuri." she gave you a nod before hurrying off and you turned to Erik. "What's wrong?"

"I think I did the boys' work for them. I was following Mr. Man like I was supposed to and I overheard a phone call. They were talking in code words but it seems like the stone is in one of the European bases. Where and with who is still unclear."

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