Part 12

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~1st March~

*Peter's POV*

"I'm awake!" I yelled as someone shook my shoulder where I was sitting. I had been in the lab for around ten hours when I must have fallen asleep because now it was 4.02 in the morning, meaning that I have been in this lab for thirteen hours. Shuri was standing beside the chair and I quickly straightened up. "What? Have you found something?"

"I know where she is." she said and I quickly stood up.

"And where is she? When can we get there? Why aren't you more excited about this?"

"She is in a Hydra facility in Nigeria. It is famous for its torture techniques." she said and I looked over at Harley, who was sitting in a chair by a table. "We think it's likely that she is being tortured as we speak. She is one of the few people who knows the truth about the time and mind stone so they probably want her to tell them everything."

"T'Challa and the others want to wait to make a safer plan. But me and Shuri are planning on going right away, which would be illegal since we are disobeying direct orders by the king. Before we do that, we thought we should offer you a spot on the quinjet we are taking." Harley inclined and I nodded.

"Of course, I'm in."

"Let's go." Shuri said and with that, the three of us left the lab. We made it all the way to the quinjet before we got stopped. Leaning against the jet, Okoye was standing and we all froze. "What a coincidence seeing you here."

"I know what you are doing, you guys are very predictable." Harley opened his mouth to speak, but she got to it first. "I am not going to stop you."

"Are you going to join us?" Shuri asked and she shook her head. "Then what are you doing here?"

"I cannot disobey direct orders from the king. Even though he would have done the same thing you are doing if he didn't have the responsibility of a country on his shoulders. What I can do is give you guys a helping hand. On the ship, Parker's suit, Shuri's arm guns, and Harley special are waiting for you." she explained and the others smiled, I couldn't help but wonder what exactly that last one is.

"Thank you." Harley started, but Okoye shook her head with a small smile.

"Just bring her home." she said and we all nodded. As soon as the jet door closed behind us, I turned to Harley.

"What the hell is a "Harley special?"" I asked and he chuckled while Shuri groaned.

"It's his... I don't want to call it what you did." she said, looking at Harley who chuckled again.

"It wasn't me who started calling it that, it was Y/N." he said before turning to me. "It is this thing I invented and it is a huge fighting stick with a bunch of built-in abilities. I call it the Harley special, but Y/N once made a joke by calling it my joystick." he explained and I frowned.

"Your joystick? Why is that so bad?" I asked. When I was a kid, I loved playing video games so why would it be something to groan about.

"God, you are very innocent for a teenage boy." Shuri said and I frowned while Harley was laughing.

"I'm gonna tell him." he said and Shuri hit his arm.

"Don't you dare."

*Normal POV*

"Present." the man's voice said and it was the first thing you heard when you woke up. You had already woken up once since the whole heated pad thing. But you passed out pretty quickly as the torturing continued.

"Mr. Walsh. I assume that you have some information by now." another voice said, this one unfamiliar and it sounded like it was from a com of some sort.

"Afraid not, she is tougher than we first predicted." he said and you forced your eyes open to take in the changes from last time. The girl was sitting in a chair, dozing off. In her usual place in the corner of the room, a boy was standing. He seemed to be just a bit younger than Wanda, so he was probably that son you had knocked out.

"Is she there right now?" the other voice continued and you lifted your head to look at the radio.

"She is, she just wok-"

"Let me speak to her." the voice interrupted him and he paled, but walked over to you, holding the com before you so that you could speak to the man.

"I'm here." you said, your voice sounding like a stranger due to screaming and crying.

"Miss L/N, it is an honor to finally hear from you. I heard you caused the arrest of almost two hundred men of mine. It's nice to know that I am paying you back, in my own way." the man said and you scoffed.

"If you truly think it is such an honor, how come you're not paying me a visit yourself?" you asked and the son gave you a look as if you were crazy while the man laughed.

"As tempting as it sounds, I have more urgent matters at hand. Considering that you broke into a facility, I'm guessing you know all about it." he said, an accent breaking through. But your mind was spinning too much for you to figure out what it was.

"Considering why I'm here, you know that I do. How come your own men aren't here?" you asked and the man chuckled.

"They have heard too much about you to agree. The people with you are the only ones desperate enough to take you on."

"Is that the real answer as for why you're not here, you're afraid?" you said in a mocking tone and once again, the son looked at you like there was something seriously wrong with you. Which if you're being honest, there must be since you have made it this far.

"I'm not a coward." he said a little too sharply. "I know enough about you to be wary."

"Even a toddler can make better excuses than that." you said and felt everyone in the room stared at you.

"Mr. Popesco. Book a trip to visit my dear friend here." the man ordered someone in the background, then the com turned off.

"Why would you agitate him? This is not a man who plays around. When he gets here, he will hurt you in way worse ways than I could ever imagine." the father asked and you offered him a smile.

"I am aware of what Hydra soldiers are like, especially the ones like him, who are higher up. I'm guessing he is the leader of the whole thing I have been fighting. Finding him has been a thing everyone has been working on since day one."

"What could will finding him be if you're in no shape to fight him?"

"I have a plan, I can't tell you though, considering how you are working for him as for now. But believe me, he is going down."

1197 words

This is the only story I'll update pretty regularly since almost all the parts are done and all I need to do is edit them before publishing.

- A/N

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