Part 2

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~27th February~

As you reached the wall, T'Challa grabbed your arm yelling this to you as the fire roared and the people screamed.

"Do you have a plan?"

"I have a feeling that there's not a lot of them. We need to find out who they are and what they want. The plan is for you to go one way and I the other, whoever they follow should be able to figure out what they want and the other can help the first. Shuri is getting back up so we only need to keep them occupied a little while, alright?"

"Alright let's go." you nodded quickly, running through the smoke, seeing a small group of people, like predicted.

To be exact, there were six people, two women, and four men. All of them were equipped with everything but guns. They had sais, knives, katanas, throwing stars, smoke grenades, minor bombs, a sort of bomb you didn't recognize, and something that looked an awful lot like a saw.

You turned to T'Challa giving him a questioning glance, waiting for him to decide which way he was going. He gave you a smile and a nod before running off to the right.

You quickly grabbed the skirt of your dress and started running to the left, hearing steady footsteps coming after you. Sounded like there were four of them, meaning that two had gone after T'Challa or they had remained in their positions.

Four people after you, four out of six. Could mean they want something from you and in that case, you knew exactly what that something is. 

The steps seemed to be thirty meters away, meaning that if you stopped now, you would have a few seconds before they reached you. You stopped in your tracks, swirling around as you ripped off the lower fifteen inches of the dress, making it easier for you to move.

"Four against one sixteen-year-old kid, you guys are not the bravest people, are you?" you asked with a hopefully confident smile.

"Or maybe we're just not underestimating you."

"Although I have taken on over fifty people in one day, you think I can't handle four?" one of the women gave the others a look and they all got into fighting stances. "All at once or one at the time?" you asked and the woman smiled, raising a saw-thing and the other three followed the lead with other weapons.

Instead of saying anything, she and another of the four ran forward with weapons ready to be used. 

The other one, a man held a knife, which he tried to use. But you dodged, allowing you to get closer to him and you, therefore, grabbed his wrist, twisting his wrist until he dropped the blade and you caught it by the handle.

As soon as you did, you elbowed the guy in the face twice before kicking him off his feet. With the knife in hand, you turned to the girl who was trying to attack you with the saw, but you sliced her upper arm, causing her to groan and lose focus. You quickly grabbed her saw-wielding arm and judo-flipped her.

The pressure on her back made her drop the saw and you kicked it aside before kicking her in the head, knocking her unconscious.

You turned to the other two who were now running towards you, one with a katana, and the other one had a sais.

Without a second thought, you threw the knife in the first one katana-wielding shoulder. He dropped the blade and you clocked them in the face. Before you could turn around, you felt a sting across your upper right arm, they had cut you.

"Son of a b..."

"Language." a certain soldier said and you quickly turned around, just in time to see Steve knock the person out.

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