Part 13

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~1st March~

"I want you two to stay in the back, I don't want you being here when the man comes here." Mr. Walsh told his kids and they both hurried back the same way the daughter had brought the cart from. "You, do you have a plan?" he asked you and you nodded. "Well, let's hear it."

"My plan is to piss him off further. I suggest you stay in the back unless you want to get in the way of his fury." you suggested, just as there were three knocks on the door. The person who knocked didn't wait for an answer as they opened the door and a man stepped in. One you recognized immediately.

"Adrian Man. If I had known you were the one in charge, I would have had a hell of a lot more nicknames for you." you said.

Adrian Man, often known as Mr. Crab, but prefers to be called the man. According to your mother, he failed his first mission by being pinched by a crab on the beach.

"Huh, didn't think your mother would let you in on stuff or people like me."

"She didn't "let me in" I was simply a curious kid." still am. You thought to yourself but didn't say it since that could set his guard up. "Now, Mr. Crab. If you could cut the crap and stop trying to act civil, we both know you don't have it in you." you said and his jaw ticked at the nickname.

"I see, you certainly are your father's daughter. Thinking you know more than everyone else, even when you don't." he spat out and you smiled.

"I am my father's daughter in a way, I have a large vault in my mind, purely filled with nicknames. Want to hear some?" you asked and he scowled.

"You know what I want to hear. I suggest you tell me before I loose my patien-"

"Mr. Crab, if I may. I have been here for... how long have I been here?" you asked the father and he looked to Mr. Crab for advise. Crab just nodded.

"You have been here around seventeen hours. You've been awake for six of them." the father answered and you nodded.

"Thank you. So, I have been tortured for six hours, I haven't cracked. Your patience is not worth shit." you said and Crab frowned. "Mr. Crab, I don't know why you think you could get anything about me, but I know that the fact that you truly believe that makes you truly pathetic." you said and the father gave you a warning look. Crab just chuckled, turning his head away before turning back around and slapping you swiftly.

"I believe I can get it out of you, because I don't mind hurting you. It is obvious that you can handle simple pain pretty well, can you handle panic as well?" he asked and you raised a brow.

Crab turned to the cart, picking up a large... a large saw.

"I'm going to cut off your legs, starting with the left one. But you can stop me by telling me what I want to know, simple as that." he continued and you had to stop yourself from letting your eyes widen in panic. "Huh, I really thought you would react more to that. No worries, I'll get  it out of you."

"Oh, I'm guessing that you are beginning to get desperate sir, considering how Thanos already has three stones." you said before noticing Shuri staring at you from the half closed door. You quickly waved her off while keeping your eyes on Crab. "Do you really think you can beat Thanos?"

"And they say you're smart." he said with a chuckle. "I dont need to beat Thanos, Hydra is working with him, I am his partner." he said and it was the first thing since being electrocuted that actually shocked you.

"That's weird. I mean, I knew you were pathetic and a coward, I didnt take you as an idiot though. I mean, you do realize that he is planning on killing half of the universe." you said and he nodded.

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