Part 4

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~28th February~

The world could be ending because the most dangerous creature ever known to man is on his way, yet you were not stressing about that. You were stressing about the fact that you had told Steve to gather all the heroes, which includes Peter.

You know, the guy you haven't met or spoken to in eight months. The guy who used to be your best friend before he cut off all contact with you. That guy.

It was fair that you were a little (very) nervous, right? Either way, you were pacing the hall as you let your thoughts take over your mind, causing you to lose track of what was happening around you.

Why the hall? Because you had sent Steve with the quinjet to recruit people a few hours ago and it should be here any minute now. 

A hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you quickly Judo-flipped the person, the person being Shuri. Since you had just sort of attacked the princess, the guards got ready to attack you, but she waved them down.

"I'm so sorry! It's a reflex..." you started, but Ned cut you off.

"Are you favoring her? When you flipped me, you scolded me!" he exclaimed and you helped Shuri up with a chuckle.

"Well, you have known me longer so you should know better. Besides, I don't have enough energy to be mad."

"If we didn't want him on our team, I would beat him up the moment he gets here."

"It will be fine. He is here on a business matter so you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But you have known him for a while so it would be fine if you made him talk about it." Shuri and Ned said at the same time and you chuckled.

"I know."

"Wait, which one of us was that meant for?" Ned asked and you smiled.

"Both, thank you, guys." They both opened their mouth to say something back but stopped when they heard the familiar sound of the quinjet landing. With a deep breath, the four of you walked outside to greet the arrivers.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" T'Challa, who was already there, asked and you smiled.

"Fine, thanks for asking." you both turned your attention back to the jet that had now landed. The door started opening and your heart skipped a beat, he's here.

*Peter's POV*

It had been eight months since I last saw Y/N. Ever since Cap came to get me about an hour and a half ago, all I have been able to think about is her. She probably hates me now, which is quite fair.

My main thought on the way here had been that maybe I simply had a stupid school crush on her. You know, the ones where you only like the person for a short period of time, meaning that it would be over by now. Then I would be able to face her calmly and explain everything.

But the minute the jet door opened and I saw her, I realized that I still got it for her. I got it bad. In my view, the king of Wakanda was standing and I was about to meet him for the first time, and yet, all I could see was her.

Her hair was up in a simple braid that rested on her F/C tank top. She wore dark blue shorts and a pair of Nikes other than that.

Steve and the others walked up to Mr. Udaku, introducing themselves and once they had done that, they said hello to Y/N. I quickly followed their lead, my heart in my throat.

"Good to see you again, Clint," she said as I shook hands with the king, who did not seem overly fond of me. As soon as Clint stepped aside, I walked over to her with nervosity taking over my mind, stopping me from getting a clear thought through my mind.

"Uh... yeah." Smooth Parker, real smooth.

"Yeah, hello to you too," she said, the hint of an amused smile but overall, she looked pissed. Rightfully so, but I still felt a bit hurt. But like I said, I deserve this. I abandoned her when she needed me the most, of course, she treated me like the plague. The real question is, why did I do it and well... "Is May feeling any better?"

"Uh-um... what?"

"Happy told me she caught a cold... I think it was two days ago. Is she feeling better now?" she asked and I nodded quickly.

"Yes, she is feeling a lot better. Thank you for asking." I said, biting back a groan. We used to be the best of friends and I was the one who knew more about her than her own father. How did we get to this point? How did I let us get to this point? "Look Y/N..." I started but she held up a hand for me to stop.

"Let's be real Peter. The world is in danger and the last thing either of us needs is to get sidetracked. Personal lives can wait until we have saved everyone. If you still want to talk by then, I'll be happy to do so. Okay?" she asked with confidence in her speech that she never had before.

"Okay." I agreed and she smiled slightly, before turning to the entire group.

"Alright. Most of you can follow Cap and T'Challa who will fill you in and come up with a strategy. However, three of you should come with me and Shuri to the lab. Okoye, could you please stay here and keep an eye out for the friends I told you about?" she asked a scary woman who seemed to be the leader of the warriors here.

"You got it."

"Great, thanks. Now, Barnes, Wilson, and Parker. You're with us."

988 words

So, Peter is here and I think this is a good time to explain the name of this book. Since he ignored her for eight months, they are not friends. But they are obviously not enemies. They care about each other too much to be just acquaintances thus, frenemy seemed like the most fitting.

- A/N

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