Part 17

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~2nd - 3rd March~

A knock on the door caused you to look up from the computer. You quickly closed it, while brushing a hand through your hair so that you wouldn't look as pitiful.

"Come in." you said and the door opened, revealing Wanda. "Hi. I hate to take your time, but I have a few questions that I need to ask." you explained and she offered you a smile.

"Of course, ask away." she said and you started asking questions. She answered every question honestly, or at least you think it was honestly because you couldn't see a tell. You told her she could leave once you were finished, so she did. She left the door open and Vision stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

You did the same procedure with Wong, then Strange. Once both of them had passed and left, Bucky entered the room.

"What do you need kid?" he asked and you smiled.

"I just need to ask some questions. For starters, where were you between 11 am and 3 pm the 29th of February?" you asked and he raised a brow.

"You sound like a cop. But if you really want to know, I was in my room, migraine." lie, you thought with a frown.

"And were you alone, in your room?" you asked and he looked even more confused. Perhaps he thought you had some school girl crush on him, that that was the reason you asked him questions like these.

"I was." lie, you thought again.

"Since you had a migraine, I'm guessing you were simply chilling." you stated and he nodded. Lie. You thought again with a sigh. "Look, Bucky. You have been very kind to me since the moment I met you. I consider you a trustworthy friend. But I kind of need you to answer these questions honestly for me to be able to continue to see you as such." you said and he seemed taken back.

"I have been have n-" he tried.

"Don't bother. You have done nothing but lie since I started asking questions. I can't tell you why I'm asking yet, but it is serious and if you don't tell me, I will have to talk to Okoye." you said, gulping. You truly see him as a trustworthy friend, sending him to Okoye would be hard for both you, him, and Okoye.

"I was in my room, that was true. But I didn't have a migraine and I wasn't alone. I was with Steve."

"Oh." you said, before noticing the look on his face. "Oh... you and Steve?" you asked and he nodded slowly, pain and panic evident on his face. "So, are you gay, bi, bi-curious, pan, queer, something else?" you asked and he looked confused.

"I uh... I think I'm bi." he said, looking more vulnerable than you have ever seen him before.

"I know you were born and raised in the early 1900s, where being what you are was considered both a sin and a sickness. But these days, it is legal. There will always be people who despise it, but there are so many people who support it. I think you'll thrive once you come out, but I will of course not rush you." you said and he furrowed his brows with a small smile.

"Thank you. It means a lot that you said all of this."

"I meant it all. While I normally would ask if you need to talk... which I really wish I had the time to do. But I have another person I need to talk to, one who isn't exactly known for his patience." you explained and he smiled as he moved to the door.

"It's quite alright. Keep up the good work, kid." he said before exiting and closed the door. In a couple of seconds, the door opened, revealing the god of mischief.

"I heard you wanted me here, I assume it is important." Loki said and you nodded, gesturing for him to step in and close the door. "So, what is it?"

"His ego is bigger than Russia." you thought to yourself, keeping your eyes fixated on him as you did. He only made an impatient head shake, waiting for you to get to the point.

"You can leave." you said and he looked bewildered.

"You called me here to look at me?" he asked and you rolled your eyes.

"No. But there was this rumor that you could read people's minds so I needed to test that theory by thinking something offensive while close to you." you explained and he eyed you suspiciously. "You do not want to know what it is. Have a good day." you said and he left.

You stared at the closed door for a while, before sighing. 'Guess it is back to square one.' you thought with another sigh.

*Peter's POV*

"What our next move should be is-" Okoye started explaining and I frowned as I gazed through the window. I suddenly perched up when I caught sight of something... interesting.

"Guys? I think you should see this." I said and Okoye glanced at the window, looked back to the table before her head snapped back. She swore silently and everyone ran up to the window to see what I had just seen.

An army was making its way forward, fully armed, but no one had pulled their weapons out of their holsters. In their front, the very man who had captured Y/N was marching, the family who tortured her were among the soldiers.

"T'Challa?" Okoye asked, turning to him and he stared at the people marching for a little longer, before turning to her.

"I'll go and speak to them. I want you and the warriors to go with me. Parker, I want you to listen in on us in case we need backup. Shuri, connect Karen to my suit so he can." he said and both me, Shuri and Okoye nodded. "Alright, gear up."

Around five minutes later, T'Challa and his crew stood before Hydra's army. 

"Hello. My name is T'Challa Udaku, king of Wakanda. I have to say, I did not expect to see you here." he introduced himself, voice filled with disgust at that one word. "I assume you have something to say, considering how no guns are drawn." he continued and I heard the leader chuckle humorlessly.

"You don't say. Yes, I came to talk, but not to you." he said.

"I am afraid I don't quite understand." T'Challa said and it got quiet. Quiet for so long that I almost started wondering if the com had gotten turned off.

"I mean I came to talk, just not to you. I want to talk to Y/N."

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