Part 11

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~1st March~

*Peter's POV*

Me, Ned and M.J were simply hanging out in my hospital room while Happy and May were sitting in a chair each next to my bed. A knock interrupted our chatter, and I called for whoever it was to enter.

"Good, you're all here." Okoye said in her normal, monotone voice. But she did seem to be upset. Along with her was T'Challa and Harley. Happy stood up from his seat to look at them.

"What's wrong." Happy said and the room got quiet. Okoye looked at some point of the room where no one else was standing, Harley's jaw was set and his eyes tilted down, T'Challa was the only one who looked at us with soft eyes.

"There was an attack. Y/N was taken." he said and Harley's jaw ticked.

"What?! How could she be taken. I thought she was with you!" Happy exclaimed and May put a hand on his arm while standing up.

"Do you know who took her? I mean, she has to have left a trace. Maybe use find my Iphone." she suggested and Harley shook his head.

"She modified it so it would be harder for people to follow her." he mumbled.

"But we can find her, right? I mean, there has to be some kind of trace we can follow." I argued and his jaw ticked again, while T'Challa tried to look comforting, but it was barely working considering how he is also one of the people who care about her.

"Shuri has already started working on finding her. She is in the lab as we speak. We are going to find Y/N and bring her back." he assured. "We need to go and help her, but we thought it fit to tell you all in person."

"I'm going with you." I said, before even thinking and May turned to me.

"Peter, you're not well..."

"My arm is not well, so I'll just no use it. I'm going to help in any way I can, I have to. I owe her that. She has saved me many times, sometimes without me knowing it." I said and she sighed.

"Just... just, be careful."

"You can borrow some of my clothes, once we reach the palace." Harley commented, his eyes still refusing to meet with anyone else's. "We should get going." he continued before turning around and walking off. Me, Okoye and T'Challa followed, the last two taking the lead. I walked over to Harley, putting a hand on his shoulder as we walked.

"I know I'm probably your least favorite person right now, for good causes. But I have to say, it wasn't your fault she was taken." I said and he chuckled slightly.

"You're not my least favorite person right now. The person who took her is, you're close second." he said and I think it was a joke, or I hope it was. I gave him a meaningful look and he sighed. "I was the last person to see her. I was standing with her, speaking to her when she got a phone call. I stepped aside to give her privacy, then she started running. I called after her, but she waved me off so I did nothing. I thought she looked like she wasn't in danger, so I did nothing while she was taken." he said and I bit my lip as I thought.

"And maybe that was stupid of you." I finally said and he cast me a puzzled glance. "But looks can be deceiving. Which is why you should ask a blind man for help if you ever need help with something." I told him, smiling at the memory of when Y/N used those words on me.

"Boys?" T'Challa asked and I looked up. "Thor has returned."

*Normal POV*

The father seemed to be getting distressed by how bad this was working. Even five stab wounds of the Abby-knife, several punches to both head and other body parts - which resulted in you not remembering how many punches there was - and getting shocked once, you had not told them a single thing. Now your chest had blood in several places, several bruises painted other points of your body and a red mark on your temple.

Every now and then, your body would shake slightly because of the electric shock, which happened just about a minute ago.

"I think you underestimated her." the daughter commented. Her father tried to get her to leave, so that she wouldn't have to see her father do all those things. But she didn't trust you enough to leave him alone, despite you being in chains, your legs too, this time.

"Please. Just tell me what I need to know. I don't want to hurt you." the man begged.

"Then why are you doing this, I haven't fully been able to piece that together." you asked and the daughter gave him a warning glance, which he ignored. Unlike her, he did not see you as a threat.

"He has my family. Our family. My wife and my two youngest sons." he said.

"The guy I knocked out, is he your oldest son?" the man nodded and you sighed.

"I'm sorry, I really am. But I would doom either the entire world, or half of it if I told you what I know. I can promise you one thing though. I promise that I will do everything I can to save your family once I am out of here." you said and he looked taken back.

"After everything you've been through, I didn't expect you to be this confident." he said and you gave him a tired smile.

"I am confident. Not in myself, but in my friends."

"Well, until your friend get here, I am truly sorry for what I have to do to you." he said as his hand reached for something on the table. It was a small rubber machine with a button and a metal pad. He pressed the button and the metal piece started glowing orange with heat. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, losing all air in your lungs as soon as the pad met your body from screaming in pain.

1039 words

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