You/Lena Luthor - Blood (Angst)

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TW: Death

There was so much blood everywhere. Lena couldn't find a single space that wasn't covered in blood. She could feel the contents rise from her stomach but she forced them down. There was no way she could get sick at this moment. Her main priority was to track you down.

Rushing to open the door, Lena stepped outside the bloody room to see where they could have taken you. There were countless of doors up and down the hallway that just the thought of searching through the horrors of each and every one made her sick. How could she go through the process of seeing each and every horror that Cadmus had managed to do?

She had to. Lena had to force herself to go through each and every door to be able to find you. The thought of losing you was what allowed her to endure the torture of going through each room.


It was as if Lillian was playing some sick joke on her when she reached the last door and there was still no sign of you. She was running out of time. Lena wasn't sure what she was going to do if you weren't on the other side of the door. The watch that had been forced on her wrist was close to the 0 mark and she knew that if it reached the last second, you would be killed.

Praying to whatever was out there, Lena opened the door and let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. There you were, chained up and beaten in the middle of the room.

The door opened for the very first time in so long that you forced yourself to look up. It hurt to smile but it was impossible to not smile when Lena was around. She was the love of your life. The one that always made things better.


Lena ran to where you were chained up to unlock you. Only to realize that the chains required a key. Lena could scream but she didn't. She had to stay calm.

Wiping the blood away from your lips, Lena kissed you deeply. Pouring out every emotion she held for you into the kiss.

"I'll find the key. I promise. Just a few more minutes and we'll be free."

Lena pecked your lips one last time and made her way to the various cabinets and drawers in the room. As Lena searched the room, you looked up at the time that was on top of the door. You knew that Lena wasn't going to be able to find the key in time. It was impossible. There was so many things to search for and so little time. Lex and Lillian had purposely set this up for Lena to fail. They wanted to destroy any bit of happiness in Lena. She had to pay for betraying them.


You quietly called her name. The constant screaming you did while they beat you made your throat hurt. It was impossible to speak above a whisper.

She turned around to face you as you called her name out.

"What is it?"

"Lena, I want you to know that no matter what. You are good. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You..."

"Stop! We're getting out of this. Don't talk like that."

Lena frantically began to search through everything. Time was running out but she wasn't going to lose hope.

"Lena please. I need you to listen."

"(Y/n)! We're going to get out of this. We're going to buy that house you've always been wanting by the beach and have as many dogs and cats as you wanted to adopt. We'll have kids and grow old together."

You smiled at Lena's words. They had been the same words that you had told Lena on your second wedding anniversary. Your smile faded when the clock was at its last minute.

"I would've love to have done that with you. I just wish we had spent more time together. These 4 years that we've spent together have been the best years of my life and I can't thank you enough Lena. Please don't let this change you. I believe in you. I believe you'll change the world for the better. I love you Lena."

The timer reached 0 and a single shot was fired.

Lena wasn't fast as Supergirl but she still ran to you when she heard the gun go off. It didn't matter though. The bullet had gone through your head. She grabbed on to you, trying to stop the bleeding but it was useless. There was nothing that anyone could've done to save you.


A few hours later and Supergirl arrived with the DEO. Lena was still there. On her knees with bloody shaking hands. Her world had crumbled and there wasn't anyone in the world that could rebuild it again.

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