You/Morgana Pendragon - Hidden

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Morgana was sick of only being able to spend nights with you

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Morgana was sick of only being able to spend nights with you. She wanted to go out on dates with you. She wanted to take you on a picnic, go on horse rides with you, visit the market or simply just being able to quietly enjoy each others company.

Because of your work and the fact that no one could see the two of you together, you always visited her late at night and left early in the morning. Sometimes you wouldn't even visit because you were just so tired.

"I'm so tired of this."

Morgana whispers to you. You quickly get out of the bed, thinking she was tired of you.

"I..I'm sorry. I'll go."

You made your way over to change out of your pajamas but was stopped as she grabbed your hand.

"I didn't mean us. I meant that I'm tired of only being able to spend the night with you."

She pulled you closer to lay back down on the bed. You comply, again wrapping your arms around her waist.

"I know. I'm tired too but we'll eventually be able to live normally. When you become Queen of Camelot, you'll change the laws."

Morgana buried her face in your neck, wanting to be closer to you.

"It's taking too long. Uther needs to leave."

"I know he does but lets keep quiet about that. We never know when that annoying servant is listening in."

"Merlin is annoying."

You laugh and pull her closer to you.

"Sleep. We only have a few more hours together."


Morgana woke up to find you already getting dressed. She pouted as she watched you put on your shoes.


You look up to find Morgana sitting up. You smiled as you saw her unruly hair. It was truly an honor to see her in the morning like this. You made your way over to her and ran your fingers through her hair to fix it.

"I cannot. Your father and brother will kill me if they see me in your chambers."

"Then I won't leave my chambers. We can just stay in my room so we can spend some time together."


"Please stay. I don't want you to leave."

Someone knocks and attempts to open the door but it's closed.

"Lady Morgana? Are you awake?"

"I'm awake Gwen! Just give me second." She turns to you, taking both of your hands in hers. "I trust Gwen. She won't say anything. She can bring us food and cover for us."

You've never seen Morgana this clingy but you couldn't blame her. It had been months since the two of you started dating and only ended up spending the nights together.

"Alright. I must admit that I can't deny your wishes."

Morgana smiles and leans in to kiss you.

"Thank you, darling. Now get back in your pajamas. They're much more comfortable than your day clothes."

"Yes ma'am!"

She laughs and kisses you again before heading to the door.


Gwen is about to knock again when Morgana opens the door and pops her head out. She's covering her mouth with a handkerchief, confusing Gwen.

"Gwen! Good morning. I'm not feeling too well. I don't want you to get sick. Please leave my food outside and I'll pick it up."

"That's alright, Lady Morgana. I can bring in your food."

Gwen attempts to walk in but Morgana stops her.

"No!" Her outburst startles Gwen. "Sorry. Just please. Leave the food on the floor. I should be fine tomorrow."

"Do you want me to fetch Gauis for you?"

"That won't be necessary. Just some sleep will do."

Gwen nods and places the tray of food on the floor.

"Very well. I'll come by later to make sure you're alright and bring more food."

"Thanks Gwen." When Gwen disappears down the hallway, Morgana picks up the tray and brings it inside. "Breakfast is ready!"


While there wasn't much to do in the bedroom, it was nice to cuddle with Morgana and talk about everything and everything. It had been so long since the two of you had a long talk. Dinner was even lovelier as the two of you had gotten dressed up and lit up candles to make it more romantic.

"This was nice, Morgana. Thank you for convincing me to stay."

"And thank you for actually staying. We need to have more of these days. I don't think I can ever go back without having a day like this."

You take her hand a kiss the back of it.

"If it is your wish. I'll make it come true."


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Lena Luthor - Life

Morgana Pendragon - Capture

Lena Luthor - Alone

Lena Luthor - Moments

Lena Luthor - Paparazzi Part 3


Thank you!

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