You/Lena Luthor - Coal

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AN: Happy Holidays :)

Lena was being mean. She was making work her top priority while the two of you were supposed to be enjoying your days off. She had promised that it was going to be two weeks of her undivided attention but she had lied. 

"I'm almost done, darling. This is the last thing I need to do and then I'm shutting everything off."

"That's what you said last time!"

Lena poked her head from the side of her monitor to find you pouting. She couldn't help but smile over how adorable you looked. 

"I know. I know but I'll be doing it this time. I swear."

"You better or you're going to get coal this year."

Thinking that you were joking, Lena laughed. 


Lena stared at the coal sitting on her lap. She couldn't believe that you had actually given her coal. 

"Is something wrong, babe?"

You asked with a smile, wondering if Lena was going to bring up the fact that you had stuffed coal in the briefcase that you had gotten her. 

" Nothing at all. I love my bag."

You leaned in as if you were going to kiss her but actually moved close to whisper in her ear. 

"Maybe if you're good enough for the rest of the week, I'll give you your real present on New Year's Eve."


Knowing that you were a woman of your words, Lena behaved for there rest of the week. She shut everything off and gave you her undivided attention. Happy with change, you gave Lena her real present, handcuffs and a blindfold.

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