You/Lena Luthor - Comfort

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Lena let out a sigh of realize at the feeling of her soulmate's arms around herself

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Lena let out a sigh of realize at the feeling of her soulmate's arms around herself. Their soulmate wasn't physically there but she could still feel their soulmate's touch. If it weren't for them, she was sure she would've broken down in the middle of her office. Taking a deep breath, she focused back on the email she had read and typed a quick response. Knowing her soulmate was there to comfort her at anytime, Lena was able to accomplish a lot of things she wasn't sure if she would be able to do alone.


You stop in the middle of your conversation when you feel the familiar sensation of needing to cry. Knowing that your soulmate needed you, you excused yourself from the briefing and hurried to the bathroom. There you wrapped your arms around yourself and wiped an invisible tear from your cheek. It takes your soulmate a few minutes to calm down after your touch. You wait until you're sure they wouldn't need you before heading back to the briefing. No one questioned you about it, they just caught you up to what had been discussed.


Lena is surprised when she's suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling of grief. She wasn't sure what must've happened to her soulmate but she knew it was upsetting enough to make her feel like this. She immediately stops working and wraps her arms around herself in an attempt to comfort her soulmate. When it doesn't work, Lena starts to worry. She desperately wished she could do something more than give her soulmate the feeling of being hugged. Sometimes she hated how difficult the universe made it to find your soulmate. The two of them had gone through so much with only being able to comfort each other by the feeling of being hugged.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she gets a call from Kara.

"Lena, its your mother. We need your help."

"I'm on my way."

Lena answered quickly. She hoped her soulmate could forgive her for leaving them in their time of need. Whatever her mother was up to, it could potentially cause pain to hundreds of people.


Lena arrives at the DEO to find everyone in a state of chaos. Agents are running around, there's a lot of people arguing and she could see Kara trying to calm everyone down. When Kara spots her, she immediately leads her to the Alex's office.

"Kara, what is going on?"

"Your mother is holding several DEO agents hostage, including Alex. I don't know what to do, Lena. I...I'm worried that I'll make the wrong move. I need your help."

Lena wraps her arms around Kara to pull her in for a hug.

"You know I'll always help you, Kara. We'll get them back. I promise. Lets make a plan."


You sobbed as you watched your best friend get shot. They fell forward, blood immediately pooling under their body.

"Anyone else want to try anything else?"

No one spoke up as they were all still shocked about the death of their friend. Alex was the only one who was able to recover quickly.

"What is it that you want Lillian? What is it that you're hoping to gain from killing?"

Lillian smiles when she spots Lena's face on the camera monitors outside of the warehouse.

"Isn't it obvious? I just wanted to talk to my daughter."


Everything happened so fast. Flash grenades were thrown inside and agents along with Supergirl flooded in to the warehouse. Lillian and there rest of her men were all caught by surprise at the sheer force the DEO had used to deal with the situation. It didn't take long for them to be surrounded and taken in.

As soon as you were untied, you hurried to your best friend. The paramedics held you back, not wanting to let you interfere with their efforts to help your friend.

"PLEASE! I need to make sure that she's okay!"

Lena was hit again by overwhelming feeling of worry. She looked around and spotted you with tears streaming down your face as one of the paramedics struggled to hold you back.

"Miss please! The bullet missed any major organs. She'll be okay."

"I need to see her!"

At the feeling of someone's hand on your shoulder, you immediately feel a little calmer. Turning around you spot Miss Luthor with a warm smile.

"I'll drive you to the hospital. You need to let the paramedics do their job so she can be okay."

The paramedic is relieved when you stop thrashing around and focus on Lena. They excuse themselves and hurry to take your friend on the ambulance.

"Thank you, Miss Luthor."


Lena knocked on the window of your friends room and held up the meal she had brought you when you turned to look. You make your way out of your room to join her.

"Miss Luthor, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't leave you alone and I thought you could use something to eat. Today was a long day for everyone. And please, it's Lena."

You give her a smile and take the offered meal. The two of you take a seat and you begin to eat. Random topics are brought up to make conversation and eventually you excuse yourself when you're done. Lena is then joined by Kara and Alex. The two of them held flowers and 'get well' balloons.

"How is she doing?"

"The doctor says she'll make a full recovery. They're hoping she'll be out in two weeks."

"And (y/n)?"

"She's doing much better now that she heard her friend will be okay."

The two sisters thank her and then head inside to leave the gifts. When they come out of the room, they sit besides Lena.

"It's her isn't it?"

Kara says. She had immediately noticed a change in Lena after meeting you and it didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened.

"It is. She's my soulmate."


Lena doesn't tell you until your friend is out of the hospital. When she does reveal what you had been feeling for a while, you pull her in for a deep kiss.

"It feels right to be in your arms."

You tell her as you let you head rest on her chest.

"And it feels right to have you in my arms."


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Lena Luthor - Comfort

Morgana Pendragon - Together

Lena Luthor - Soundtrack (Angst)

Saskia de Merindol - Care (Angst)


Thank you!

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