You/Lena Luthor - Rocket Science

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You froze when you realized the words that had just come out of your mouth

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You froze when you realized the words that had just come out of your mouth. You never meant to say them out loud but you had been in cloud nine. You had woken up to find Lena in yours arms. She had even made you breakfast and it made you think of what the future would be like.

"What did you say?"

Lena was giving you an out. You still had a chance to take back what you said but you didn't really want to. The two of you had been dating for months now. Before you could change your mind, you repeated yourself.

"I said that I love you."

"I think I misheard you, right?"

You could see the desperation in her eyes. You felt your chest tighten as she continued denied hearing what you had said.

"You heard correctly Lena. I said that I love you."

She turned away and began to gather documents that she had laying around her apartment.

"I have to go to work. I don't have time for this."

You remained frozen, watching as she hurried to get everything. Just when she's about to head to the door, you block her path.

"You don't have time for what? I just told you that I love you, Lena. You didn't have to say it back but it would've hurt less if you didn't make it seem like it was the end of the world. Am I missing something?."

"I have to go to work. Let me pass."

"No. We need to talk about this."

"There's nothing for us to talk about. I'm not ready to say it nor do I think I ever will."

You don't bother to stop her when she leaves the apartment.


"It just really hurt, Kara." You cried in her arms. "Did she really have to add the last part?"

Kara rubs soothing circles on your back, trying to calm down your cries.

"Lena's complicated, (y/n). Just give her some time."

Kara held you in her arms until you eventually cried yourself to sleep.


Lena attempted to distract herself with work but she couldn't. All she could think about was the hurt in your eyes. She didn't mean to hurt you but it was the truth. Luthors weren't capable of love. She couldn't understand why you wouldn't just keep things casual. There was no reason to bring love into what the two of you had.

She's startled out of her thoughts when she hears knocking from behind her. Turning around she spots Supergirl.

"Tell me that it isn't true."

"What are you referring to?"

Lena asks as she watches Kara pace up and down her office.

"That you really told (y/n) that you would never tell her that you love her. Why did you string her along all these months if it wasn't serious for you."

The brunette pulled out a glass and poured herself some whiskey. She needed something strong to deal with this.

"Luthors aren't capable of love, Kara. Simple as that."

"For being a genius, you really are an idiot Lena. Love isn't rocket science. Everyone is capable of love."

"Not my mother, father or brother. What makes you think that I'm the exception?"

"You care for all our friends. Someone who wasn't capable of loving wouldn't go through what you've gone through to keep us safe."

"It's just work, Kara...."

"The DEO doesn't even pay you. You do it out of the kindness of your heart. Now stop being an idiot and go tell (y/n) how you feel."

Kara heads out, leaving Lena to think.


You couldn't be bothered to get up and open the door. You weren't expecting anyone so there was no point to open the door.

"(y/n), I know you're in there. Please open the door." You let out a quiet gasp when you hear Lena's voice. She was the last person you would've expected. Wanting to know what she wanted, you made your way over to open the door. As you do, you're greeted by a bouquet of flowers and a white box. "I came to apologize."

You sigh and help her with the flowers. She thanks you and follows you inside.

"For what? You were just being honest."

Lena places the box on the table and opens it to reveal a cake with the writing 'I'm an idiot. I love and I'm sorry."

"No. I was being an idiot and I'm sorry, (y/n). I really do love you."

"Then why did you say those things?"

"I panicked. I didn't think someone like you would like someone like me."

"Someone like you?"

"A Luthor. We're not exactly the best people to be around."

You frown at her words.

"We're? I think you mean they. I always want to be around you?"

"Then move in with me? I really meant it when I said that I love you. I want a future with you." She makes her way over to you. "What do you say?"

You cupped her cheeks and leaned in.

"I'll move in with you."

You tell her before pulling her in for a kiss.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Part 3 //maybe

Morgana Pendragon - Hidden

Lena Luthor - Life

Morgana Pendragon - Capture

Lena Luthor - Alone

Lena Luthor - Moments

Lena Luthor - Paparazzi Part 3


Thank you!

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