You/Lena Luthor - Jealous

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Kara  didn't know what to do as James continued to shamelessly flirt with you

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Kara didn't know what to do as James continued to shamelessly flirt with you. You were clueless about what was going on and thought that he was just being a little too friendly with you.

"All I'm asking is for one night. I'll show you things that Lena has never shown you before."

"I would love to but I don't drink anymore. Besides, I don't think you can beat the drinks that Lena makes. Her were to die for. I actually miss them."

"I can make them non-alcoholic if you'd like. I just want to show you what you're missing."

"Maybe one day but not anytime soon. I'm too busy with finishing up some projects so I barely have time to do anything."

Kara wanted to throw James to the sun for what he was doing. She couldn't believe that this was the same James from 2 years ago. He had changed so much.

"James, drop it. Lena won't be happy with what you're doing."

Kara finally says something. She knew if she didn't say anything, James would continue being gross.

"Doing what? I'm just trying to invite her over to show her the kinds of drinks that I can make."

She glares at him, hating how he was trying to be play innocent. He just smiled and continued to flirt with you. Kara wanted to say something but she stopped herself when she could see Lena coming back.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you, James."

He continues to ignore her as he gets more intense. By now, you were sensing that he was flirting with you so you were becoming uncomfortable.

Without saying anything, Lena sits besides you and turns you around to give you a kiss. When the two of you pull apart, she smirks when he sees how uncomfortable he's gotten.

"I don't appreciate what you were doing James. You made my girlfriend uncomfortable." He starts to stutter out an apology but Lena doesn't let him talk. "I would appreciate it if you would back off. We're adults. Not children. You know that I'm dating (y/n) so I don't understand why you thought it was a good idea to do what you did."

He doesn't know what to say. He didn't think Lena would show up so soon. He quickly grabs some money from his wallet and throws some cash on the table. Mumbling a quiet apology, he rushes out before Lena could tell him anything else.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't."

"It's okay, Kara. Are you alright, (y/n)?"

"I'm fine. Lets just forget about him and enjoy our night. Kara's been praising the food from here for so long and I can't wait any longer."

What happened with James is soon forgotten and you're able to enjoy your evening with Lena and Kara.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Elizabeth Carruthers - Strict


Thank you!

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