(NewChapters Start)You/Katie McGrath - Comfort

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TW: Panic Attack 

Over the years, Katie had learned how to handle fans and reporters. She knew how to deal with questions that she didn't want to answer or questions that were too intrusive. What she didn't know how to handle was someone completely disregarding how uncomfortable they were making her feel and continue accusing her and questioning her about something in the show. 

"Alright. That is enough. Please take a seat."

"But I'm not done! She hasn't answered a single of my questions."

"That's enough or do you want to get kicked out of the panel?"

As they continued arguing back and forth, the rest of the cast helped Katie calm down. 

"Take deep breaths. Just focus on me. Don't pay attention to anything else. They're already taking care of him."

Katie did her best to listen to Chyler's instructions but they weren't working. She started feeling dizzy from the lack of air.

"Call (y/n) and a medic. It's not working."

Chyler tells David. He rushes off to call you and the medic while the others continue focusing on Katie. By now, the panel had been postponed and the attendants were being escorted out in hopes that it would help Katie. 


You were in the middle of paying for a figure when you got a call from David. He wasn't one for phone calls so you found it strange that he was calling plus he was supposed to be in the panel.

"David? Aren't you suppos..."

"You need to come down here. Katie's having a panic attack."

"Stay with her. I'm on my way."

You leave your things to make it easier to push through the crowd. The building was filled to the brim so it was still difficult to navigate through the crowd and get to the room where the panel was being held at. After what seems like forever, you finally arrive. However, two security guards block your entrance.

"I need to get in there!"

"Sorry but you don't have the clearance to come in. Go away before we escort you out."

"Dammit! My girlfriend is in there having a panic attack, let me in!"

You attempt to walk in but they move to block you again. 

"You can't go in there, ma'am. If you attempt to go in there again, we'll escort you out."

You glare at them and pull out your phone to call David. You let him know what's going on and a minute later he comes out. You flick them off as you walk in with him. 

"Katie! It's okay. Follow my breathing."

You take deep breaths, making sure that she repeats your breathing pattern. 

"You're doing a good job, Katie. Just keep taking deep breaths with me." She nods and you continue for a couple of more minutes until you notice she's much more calm. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better. Thank you."

You nod and motion for the medic to check her over. She had decline their help, knowing that you would be a better help in helping her calm down. Once they see that she's fine, they give her the all clear to continue.

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it, can we just go back to the hotel?"

You and walk out with the others through the back. They help you avoid the large crowds until you arrive at your shared room without encountering a fan. 

"Alright. Change into your pj's. I'll order room service and then rent a few movies. How does that sound?"

"I love it. Thank you for taking care of me."

You give her a small smile as you kiss her. 

"I love you, you don't have to thank me for taking care of you."

"I know but I want to. I love you too. Hurry so we can cuddle alright."


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Elizabeth Carruthers - Search

Elizabeth Carruthers - Search


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