You/Lena Luthor - Insomnia Part 2

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You wanted to scream as hostess said they had never gotten your reservation

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You wanted to scream as hostess said they had never gotten your reservation. You were sure that you had called days in advance to make sure that a table would be able for the date.

"Are you sure that there's no table? We'll take anything. Please help me out here. Nothing has been going right in this date and I just need one good thing to happen today."

The hostess could see you were near tears. Considering that you weren't screaming at her for what had occurred, she was tempted to help you out.

"Just give me a second, ma'am. I need to talk to the manager and see what we can do."

"Of course! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it this."

The hostess just nods and leaves someone else in charge. While waiting for good news, you turned to Lena to give her a smile in hopes that it would seem like nothing was wrong. You could tell she had wanted to end the date when you had gotten a flat but after a lot of begging from your part and renting a new car, the date continue. It almost seemed like the universe was telling the two of you that you weren't meant to be.

"So we don't have any tables but what we can do it is use the rooftop that is usually reserved for events. It might be a little pricey but..."

"I'll take it!"

"Perfect. Just give us a few minutes and I'll come get you when its ready."

You profusely thank her and then head back to Lena.

"Sorry, they just had a little scheduling mishap but it's okay."

Lena could tell you were lying from your expression. Normally, she would be upset about being lied to but she figured that you might've lied for a good reason.

While waiting for the hostess, the two of you continued talking about each other to get to know one another.


Everything was going fine for the first 30 minutes after getting seated. You assumed everything would continue being fine until at least the end of the date but you were wrong.

A few drops of water landed on your head and you brushed them aside. It soon began to drizzle and before you could even get back inside, it began to pour. At this point, you're unable to hold back your tears. You refused to let Lena see you like this so you told her to meet you back down in your car while you paid.

"What's wrong, (y/n)?"

Lena asks when she notices your shoulders shake from you attempt to hold in your tears and cries.

"I..I'm fine. Everything is f..fin...."

You don't even get to finish talking when you start to cry. Lena makes her way to hug you tightly. The two of you remained like this until you were able to calm down.

"Will you tell me what's wrong, (y/n)?"

It didn't matter that the two of you were soaked at this point. There was still rain and both of your clothes, hair and makeup were already ruined.

"This date was a disaster. I worked so hard for it to be perfect and everything went wrong. I just wanted to do this right. I'm sorry Lena."

Lena laughs, making you smile. At least you knew that you hadn't ruined her mood.

"There's nothing for you to apologize. Everything that happened was out of your control. Did you know that you were going to get a flat?" You shake your head. "Did you know that your heel was going to break?" Again, you shake your head. "I don't know what happened here but did know it was going to happen?" Again, you shake your head. "Then there's nothing for you to apologize. You did everything you could to salvage this date and I appreciate the lengths you took to do it. I had fun. This tops any other first date that I've ever had."


"I wouldn't lie about this. I think I know the perfect way to end this evening." She pulls out her phone and rapidly taps the screen before music starts to play. "Nothing can get more romantic than dancing and kissing in the rain."

She holds out her hand and you take it. The two of you dance until the music stops playing. With the two of you standing in front of each other, you both lean in to complete the evening with a kiss.


"Bless you."

Lena gives you a grateful smile as you hand her the chicken noodle soup.

"Thank you. You didn't have to make this. You're sick too. I could've ordered it for us."

You lay your bowl on the coffee table before taking a seat.

"Yeah but nothing beats a soup made from a secret recipe. Besides, you got sick because of me so let me take care of you."

"You got sick too."

"This is nothing. Not even a fever knock me out."

For the remainder of the weekend, the two of you stayed holed up in your apartment after getting sick from the rain.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Part 3 //maybe

Lena Luthor - Paparazzi Part 2

Lena Luthor - Rocket Science

Morgana Pendragon - Hidden

Lena Luthor - Life

Morgana Pendragon - Capture


Thank you!

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