Katie McGrath - Dream

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AN: Not a fxf
Prompt by: @maysali14

Katie pinched her arm, hoping that the several versions of herself would disappear. When she reopens her eyes, they're all looking at her like as if she grew a second head.

"Are you alright? That looked like it hurt. Here, let me see."

Morgana steps through the other versions and looks over Katie's arm to make sure that she hadn't hurt herself too badly.

"Why are you bothering to help her? She was an idiot for even pinching herself."

"I agree with Saskia. I'm sure she's fine."

Morgana ignored both Saskia and Gloria while inspecting the pinch in Katie's arm.

"I'm fine. There's no need to worry. I'm just confused as to what's going on? I..I'm not dead am I?"

"No. Of course not. I might be to blame. Kara was messing around with my prototypes for a multiverse travel device and accidentally clicked something that she wasn't supposed to."

No one had been able to figure out what had happened until Lena decided to speak up. She didn't want to say anything until she was sure that she was to blame. Once the last of her appeared, she knew that it had been her fault. It had happened with Kara, it was only a matter of time before it happened with her.

"You what?! You're the reason why I'm stuck in this....where even am I?!"

"You're in my world. Earth-38."

Lena answers Gloria. After knowing her for only a short time, she had come to realize that Gloria was a more aggressive version of her. Lena did not want to be on her bad side.

"Wait, Earth-38? So does that mean that there are other Earths?"

"That's correct, Lucy. I know it's a little difficult..."

"Does that if several versions of ourselves exist, then there are several version of people that we care about also existing?"

"Yes but...."

Lucy was about to take off when Gloria grabbed her arm.

"Not so fast, Lucy. Where are going? Have you forgotten that you come from a world that has barely introduced lightbulbs. You'll die from shock of all the things that have changed."

"I don't care. Let me go, Gloria. I need to see something."

Katie's head was hurting. She couldn't believe that all the characters that she had been playing were real. As much as she wanted to try to understand what was going on, it was impossible. Her brain was just going to explode from trying to understand the multiverse and all the science behind it.

"How do we get back to our worlds then? No offense but I kind of want to go back to my home."

"That's quite alright. We can go back to my lab so we can figure out how to fix this. I'm just going to call a friend before we can go anywhere. I can't go around walking with 5 other me's."


Kara just looked back and forth between everyone as Lena searched through the back that she had gotten her.

"Uh, Lena? What's going on here?"

"You managed to open up portals to the other Earth's and the other versions of me were sucked into our world. I need to get them back to the lab without anyone seeing us and that's why I asked you for all these clothes. Now, quickly. All of you pick something to wear so we can head out.

They all begrudgingly hurry up to change something. Lucy was the only one that refused to change so Kara was forced to fly her to Lena's lab.


"Let me go! Let me go!"

Kara ignored her until they land near the entrance.

"Sorry but Lena gave me strict orders to fly you straight to her lab. I can't let you go."

Kara took her hand and led her inside the lab to wait for the others. With nothing to do, Lucy just walked around the lab to marvel at all the new things that had been built. Surely something in the lab would get her to find the Mina in this world.

"What are you doing!? Quit touching all those buttons!"

Lena walks in with the rest to find Kara and Lucy in a struggle to press buttons.

"Enough. Quit messing around in my lab Kara, this is the exact same reason why you got me in this mess."

"She was pressing all the buttons, I had to stop her."

"No, I wasn't. I don't even know what half of these things do."

Lena just sighs and shakes her head. Enlisting the help of Morgana, the two of them get to work to figure out how to get everyone back while the others talk.


Katie still couldn't believe that the multiverse was actually real and that it wasn't all for a show. Even though she was seeing with her own two eyes, the other versions of herself, it was difficult to believe. All she wanted was to go back home and take the longest nap ever to get rid of her headache.

"I figured it out. This little device should take the 5 of you back." Lena walked around the lab to shoot each version of herself with the portal gun. "Alright. That's 4. Lucy, where are you?"

Kara used her x-ray vision to find Lucy hiding in the closet. The two of them walk up to the door and knock.

"Are you planning on coming out?"

"No, I don't want to go back. My world sucks."

Lena and Kara looked at each other, feeling bad about having to send her back. It couldn't hurt if Lucy stayed.

"Are you sure that you don't want to go back, Lucy? Our world is completely different that yours. It might be hard to get used to everything."

"I don't care. There's no reason for me to go back. I've lost my only friend and I have no family."

Lena has Kara open the door for her.

"Then you're more than welcome to stay. We'll help you out."


Katie woke up with a jump. She looked around to see that she was sitting in her chair, waiting for her next scene to start.

"You okay, Katie? You look like you saw ghost?"

"I'm fine, Chyler. Just think that I might need more sleep."

There was no way that Katie was going to tell Chyler about her dream. It wasn't real so there was no need to talk about it.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Katie McGrath - Comfort

Elizabeth Carruthers - Search


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

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