You/Morgana Pendragon - Together

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Morgana could see through your lies

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Morgana could see through your lies. You thought you were fooling her but she knew you better than she knew you herself. It was strange that you were keeping things from her as the two of you always told each other everything. She was annoyed that you wouldn't let her in to what you were feeling. She was your soon-to-be-wife and she wanted to help you with whatever was going on.

"Sister, has (y/n) told you anything?"

Morgause turned to Morgana, trying to figure out what she could've meant.

"I'm not sure that I'm following."

Morgana makes her way to one of the windows so she could see you training with the rest of the knights in the courtyard.

"(y/n) seems different. It looks like something is bothering her but I'm not sure what it could be. I was hoping that she might've come to you."

"Knowing that we tell each other everything, she wouldn't have come to me. Why don't you ask Mordred? Perhaps he knows something. The two of them are thick as thieves."

"Hmm. I'll pay him a visit then. I trust that you'll keep things under control for me?"

Morgause bows her head and then looks up to face her sister with a smile.

"You can be assured that the kingdom will be safe in my hands for the day."



Hearing his name, Mordred stops walking to turn around and see who was calling him. How slightly bows when he notices it was Morgana.

"My queen, what can I do for you?"

It takes a second for her to catch up to him. The two of them continue walking down the hall as they talk.

"It's about, (y/n). I'm worried about her. Something is wrong but she won't tell me what it is." Mordred looked like he was ready to bolt at any second. She cornered him, wanting answers now that she saw that he knew something. "It is in your best interest for you to tell me what is going on."

"Lady Morgana, please. I think you should wait until she tells you."

"Mordred. I don't have all day. Tell me."

Morgana was his friend but she could be scary when she wanted to be. He looks left and right to make sure that you weren't nearby.

"Are you...."


"Okay, okay. She's just worried about becoming queen. She's afraid that she won't be what you or the kingdom needs."

"Now was that so hard? Thank you."

Morgana just walked off before he could say something. Mordred just wished you would forgive him for betraying you trust.


You're in the middle of training when everyone suddenly stops and bows. You turn around with a smile when you realize it was Morgana. It falls when you see the frown on her face. Dismissing the rest of the knights, you make your way to her.


"Don't baby me. Why weren't you being honest?"

"Honest?" You asked, confused about what she was talking about. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"That you're unsure of becoming queen. You know that you could come to me for anything, (y/n). I'm going to be your wife soon and I hoped that we could confide in each other for anything."

You suddenly feel guilty at the hurt expression in her eyes. The last thing you had wanted was to upset her.

"I'm sorry, Morgana. I just didn't want you to think that I was having second thoughts about marrying you. I'm just scared that I'm not going to be enough or worthy to be at your side."

She cups your cheeks to make you look (down/up) at her.

"You are worthy. You possess all the qualities that a kingdom needs in a ruler. I wouldn't have anyone else at my side but you."

You feel a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders as you hear this.


You quietly asked. She smiles and presses a kiss to your lips.



Instead of having dinner at the hall, Morgana led you to a lake near the castle. When you arrived, you found a picnic that had already been set up."

"What is all this?"

"Just something to help you relax. I thought eating by the lake will be nice."

You help her down the horse to take a seat on the blanket.

"Thank you, Morgana. I needed this."


When dinner is finished, you laid down on the blanket with your head resting on Morgana's lap. You closed your eyes as she ran her fingers through your hair. She talked about anything and everything. Her soothing voice helped you lull to sleep and Morgana didn't dare move a muscle when she noticed you had fallen asleep. It was obvious that spending time with Morgana and the picnic helped you a great deal. You looked less stressed.


"May I present you Queen Morgana (l/n) and Queen (full name)."

Morgana could hear the loud cheers of her people but she only looked at you. After everything that the two of you had been together, all her dreams had come true. She was happy that she had found someone to be at her side to support her.

"Everything okay?"

You whispered to her when you noticed her staring at you.

"Everything is perfect."


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Lena Luthor - Soundtrack (Angst)

Saskia de Merindol - Care (Angst)

Lena Luthor - Day


Thank you!

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