You/Lena Luthor - Tickets

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Summary: You and your daughter want tickets for the hottest show of the summer. 

"Did you get it?!"

"No! Did you?"

Seeing the wide smile you had, (daughther's name) knew that you had managed to get it. You tap several times on your phone before showing her the email confirmation of the presale code. When she sees it, she starts to scream and you join her. 

Upon hearing the screams, Lena rushes to her office to find out what the commotion is. 

"What is going on here? Is everyone okay?"

You turn to face her, a wide smile still on. 

"We got the presale code! Did you check if you got it?"

"Huh?" It takes a second for Lena to realize what you were talking about. "Oh. I don't know..."


"Well I...."

"I'll check!"

Lena watches as the two of you turn to her monitor and start clicking on the mouse several times. After being married 15 years, you and Lena shared everything. You knew all her passwords and accounts as she did. 


Lena couldn't understand why the two of you bothered with presale codes. The three of you had enough money to book Taylor for several hours. 

"Why do you even need them? You don't have to stress yourselves out with the buying process. We can afford the tickets."

The two of you narrow yours eyes at her. It was scary how identical the two of you acted. 

"It is not about being able to afford it or not. It's about the principals! They can't keep raising up the prices of tickets. They need to stop resellers and if we buy them at such a high price, we're only encouraging them. Do you really want to encourage that Lena?"


"Good answer. Now come here. We need to discuss a game plan about how we'll be getting them."

"The food is ready so maybe we can talk about it over dinner."

"Good idea!"

Both of you rush to the kitchen where Lena could already hear you and (daughter's name) talking about the concert.


Lena comes home late at night to find you and (daughter's name) sulking in the couch. 

"I can't believe it! Two codes and we couldn't get anything! It was rigged!"

"We should've made Kara and the others sign up too. Maybe we could've gotten more codes."

From the little that she could hear, she figured that neither of you had gotten any tickets. 

"Well how did it go?" Lena asks as soon as she had taken off her coat and shoes. She's immediately bombarded by the two of you going on and on about how unfair the process was. "What about going to another date?"

Again, the two of you rant about how everything was rigged. Lena couldn't stand to hear the two of you being disappointed. She knew the two of you would get mad if she bought tickets from the resellers so she needed to think of a way to get the two of you to the show without buying from the resellers. For now, she would try to cheer the two of you up with food. 


Not wanting for the two of you to find out what she was doing, Lena enlisted the help of Jess. Despite the two of them working together, they were stumped about what to do. Neither of them had realized just how in demand the tickets were. Even though it seemed hopeless to get to the two of you to the concert, Lena wasn't going to give up. She was a Luthor. Luthors got what they wanted and she wanted for her favorite people to see the concert. 

"Jess, clear my day. I need to make some calls. 


"Lenaaaa, just tell us where we're going."

"The two of you could be so impatient. Just a little longer."

Wanting to surprise you, Lena had blindfolded the two of you back at the apartment before getting in the truck. 

"It's been foreveeer. Just how much longer?"

Lena laughed at your daughter's antics. Like mother, like daughter. 

"Just a few more minutes. I promise it'll be worth it."

"It better be. The two of us planned to sulk in the living room while eating ice cream."

"You can do that another day. Now be patient."

With a loud sigh, you eventually settle down.


"We're here!"

Now able to see, you had no clue where here was. You were currently inside a parking garage without a single sign of where you were. 

"And where is here?"

You ask while looking around. Lena smiles and takes both of your hands.

"I made some calls.....pulled in a few didn't take long to find someone who knew someone...." Lena tells you as she leads you down a serious of hallways. "They were more than happy to help out with our little problem."

"What are you talking about?"

You weren't following along with what Lena was saying. She had been acting weird since the afternoon. 

"Since the two of you couldn't get tickets, I called in a few favors."

The three of you are greeted by security. They escort you again through several hallways until eventually leading you to an entrance of the stadium. "

" didn't...."

"Oh, but I did."

You and your daughter are yelling from excitement. Lena winces from the sound but she still had a smile on her face. She was happy to see the two of you so happy. 


(daughter's name) hugs Lena tightly before taking off to the tent where other important guests would be seeing the show. You stay behind to walk with Lena to the tent. 

"So this is what you were hiding."

"Did you like your surprise?"


Lena only knew a song but she managed to still enjoy the concert with the two of you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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