You/Lena Luthor - Tutoring

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"Fuck this. I'm dropping out."

You say out loud after yet again getting the wrong answer to the question you've been working on for the past hour. You had a test in two days and you weren't getting any closer to understanding how to work on any of the problems.

"What's this that I hear about you dropping out?"

Lena asks you as she walks into you dorm.

"It's this stupid calculus. I'm over it. I think it'll be easier to invent a time machine and stop Newton from creating it."

Lena smiles and leaned down to hug you from behind to give you a kiss on the cheeks.

"Babe, not to rain on your parade but you might need calculus to build the time machine."

You pouted while looking down at your work. There was no way you were going to pass the test with the way you weren't understanding anything.

Lena looks over your work, realizing where you had gone wrong in several of your problems.

"But not to worry. You have a me. I took calculus almost two years ago. This is easy."

She grabs your roommates chair and moves to sit besides you.

"Lets start from the beginning. I think you didn't really understand the first lessons and it's what's messing you up on the rest."

You looked to Lena, where she was already grabbing your spare notebook and rewriting some of the problems you were meant to solve.

"Lena, you don't have to help me. I can just go to the tutoring center. I'm sure you could use your time for something else."

Lena turned around to lean in and give you a kiss.

"Nothing beats spending time with you. It doesn't matter what we do. I just like spending time with you, (y/n). Besides, this stuff is easy. Shouldn't take too long to help you understand what you need to know for the test."

You bit your lip while you watched her work, it was honestly quite hot to see how concentrated she was on the problem. It made you want to just forget about the studying all together but you knew Lena wouldn't agree to the distraction so you just leaned in closer to her and let her teach you the principles.


"You got this, babe. I've thought you everything you needed to know to solve all the problems. I'm confident you'll ace your test."

You gave her a small smile, not really agreeing with what she had said. You had felt confident yesterday but now that you were just a few minutes away from the test, you felt like you had forgotten everything. Lena takes notice of the change in expressions and pulled you in for a kiss to distract you.

"(y/n), you're going to pass. You solved all the problems within minutes. The test will be a piece of cake. Now hurry up and go to class to get it over with already. The more you wait, the more nervous you'll get."

You leaned in to kiss her one last time.

"I'm going. I'll see you after then."


Lena had been right, the test had been a piece of cake. Too easy that you had honestly thought that you had understood everything wrong. Lena had tried to distract you about the grade but it was the only thing you could think of. You would honestly cry if it turned out that you failed the test.

You were currently in Lena's bed, making out for a couple of minutes when you heard the similar notification of when a grade was posted. Not wanting to wait another minute, you gently pushed Lena to the side to reach for your phone.

"I'm fine, darling. Don't worry about me."

"Shhh. My grade was just posted!"

Lena moved to sit beside you to check your grade with you.

"No, I can't do it. You check for me."

Lena pecked your lips and took the phone from you to check what you had gotten.

" passed with a 97!"

"Oh my god! I did it! I can't thank you enough Lena!"

You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

"Congrats, love. I knew you were going to ace the test. I'm proud of you. I think this deserves a celebration."

She says with a smirk. You raise your eyebrow at her while you let her push you down on the bed.

"I think I like what this celebration entails."

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