You/Lena Luthor - Last Time (Angst)

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TW: Death

There was a change of plans. Lena was originally meant to have a day off but her secretary had called to tell her that one of her investors insisted on having a meeting that very day. You only asked for her to stay one time as you knew that it was rather important. Of course, her answer had been that she couldn't but she did tell you that she was going to make it up to you later. With a quick goodbye kiss, she headed out of the apartment.

While waiting for Lena, you had decided to catch up on one of your tv shows that Lena would always fall asleep on. You would pretend to get mad at her for falling asleep but later realized that it wasn't her fault as for some reason the tv show made her sleepy. There really was no reason to continue it since you weren't going to pay attention to it so you turned it off and decided to take a nap in the meantime. Lena's meetings would usually last around two hours and it had been close to half and hour already. She would already be finishing up so you had enough time for a quick power nap.


You had been right about Lena's meetings lasting two hours. As you took a nap, Lena was finishing up as you had assumed.

"Hey, babe. I'm guessing you fell asleep and that's okay. I just wanted to let you know that I'm already on my way and to get ready for a date today. Jess, the most amazing assistant ever, managed to book us a table to that restaurant that you've been wanting to go to. Anyways, I have to go. You know how I hate talking on the phone in public. I love you and I'll see you in a few minutes."

Lena ended the call and quickly gathered her papers into the briefcase that you had given her as a joke. The memories behind it always made her smile. She turned everything off and opened the door, only to be stopped by a single man. In her line of sight, she could see the Jess' body of the floor. Her body tensed as she realized what was going on.

"Listen, whatever my mother is paying you, I'll pay you triple. You can walk out of here without a problem and I'll deposit the money into an offshore account."

The man spit at her and pushed her inside.

"I don't need your filthy money, Luthor. I just came here to give you exactly what you deserve. You killed my little girl from that lead bomb and no one held you accountable."

Lena was panicking on the inside, her panic button was on her desk and there was no way she could call out for Supergirl to rescue her. The man was holding the gun at her head.

"I wasn't at fault. I was cleared. Morgan Edge was found to be the one that poisoned the water supply for the children."


She tried not to flinch at his voice level but she couldn't help it. In all her assassination attempts this is the only time that she's truly been afraid for her life.

"All you ever spit out of your mouth are lies and I'm sick of it. You might've fooled that dumb blonde bitch but you're not fooling me. You'll always be another Luthor."

With his free hand, he opens his jacket. There, Lena is able to see that a bomb had been strapped to his body. It was built well enough to not be detected by her metal detectors.

"Sir, please. I'll do whatever it is that you want. Just please don't press that button."

Hearing Lena beg made the man smile.

"Why? I don't have anything left to live for."

He gives her a smile and presses the button, setting the bomb off.


A loud noise woke you from your sleep. It wasn't unusual to hear loud noises so you decided to just ignore it. Probably another alien attack in the city.

You grabbed your phone to check the time. Realizing that the two hours had already passed by and that Lena had left you a voicemail. The button to replay her message was played. As the message finished, you immediately dialed her number only to be led straight to voicemail. Lena always had her phone on, in case you or Jess needed something. This gave you a bad feeling but you pushed it aside. Perhaps Lena had ran out of battery. You dialed one more time, again being led straight to voicemail. Not wanting to waste time as Lena was already on her way, you headed to your shared bedroom to change for date night.


The last of your makeup was finished when you heard a soft knock on the balcony. Kara would only use it when Lena stayed a little too late in the office. The bad feeling returning and you quickly went over to open it for her.

"Kara? Where's Lena?"

Kara had been clearly crying. You've never seen her like this. Her eyes were red. The expression she had was unreadable. You've always known Kara for being such a happy person no matter what.

"Kara! Tell me where Lena is!"

You practically yelled at her as she still hadn't answered.

"(y/n)...there was a bomb......Lena was on the floor.....I'm so sorry.......Lena was killed."

Kara was still talking but you weren't hearing anything. You were only able to catch pieces of what she was saying but you were able to piece it all together.

"S..she can't be. I got a voicemail from her. She can't be dead. Lena can't be dead!"

Kara wrapped her arm around your shoulders and led you inside.

"I wish I could say that she's okay and currently recovering but I can't, (y/n). I'm so sorry."

You push her arm off of you.

"I need to be alone."


"I need to be alone Kara!"

Kara nods but doesn't leave. She placed a box that had been the only thing that survived in the explosion.

"I believe this is yours. Please give me a call if you want talk."

She gives you one last glance and then heads out of the balcony. Kara knew it wasn't a good idea to leave you alone but she knew it wouldn't have been a good idea if she had stayed against your wishes. Everyone grieved differently.

You didn't move from your spot in the couch for the longest time. The voicemail that Lena had been replayed for almost the whole day. It wasn't until your phone ran out of battery when you finally stood up to look at the box that Kara had left.

The box had been engraved with 'LL + (your initial)L'. Tracing the letters made the lump on your throat grow bigger. You had an idea of what was inside but the tears didn't spill until you saw the ring that was inside. It was the one she had created and designed to propose you. You couldn't stop crying after putting it on. It further cemented the fact that Lena was truly gone. Nothing was ever going to bring her back.

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