You/Lena Luthor - Faith(Angst)

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Summary: You go back to fix a mistake.

Something wasn't right. Lena's usual calm heart was beating fast. Your gut was telling you to go to Lena but you needed to take care of the invading creatures. If you left, Kara wouldn't be able to handle them all. You push yourself to take down as many as you can but the horde just seems to keep multiplying. It wouldn't be long before you or Kara would tire yourselves out from the fight.

"Alex, we can't take them out. They're going to keep pushing us back to the city. We have to do something."

There's silence on the other end for a while before J'onn ends up answering.

"Focus on the threat. We're already working on a plan to stop them when they get close. We just need the two of you to give us time."

You grew anxious at the lack of Alex and Lena's voice. It didn't help that J'onn had answered Kara's call. Every single cell in your body was screaming at you to fly to Lena but your duty to save the city held you back. Lena would scold you for risking the lives of hundreds just to check up on her.

With no other choice, you stick to helping Kara hold back the creatures until J'onn and the rest of the DEO arrived for backup.


You weren't sure how long it had taken but the threat had finally been taken care of. All you wanted to do was lay down and rest but you needed to make sure that Lena was ok.

"If that's all, I'll be heading out."

You're just about to takeoff when J'onn stops you. He could barely look you in the eyes as he pulled you aside.

"Something happened..."

"What the hell happened, J'onn?"

You clench your jaw and narrowed your eyes at him while he seemed to gather his thoughts.

"It's Lena. She...."

The man couldn't even finish the sentence. He struggled to get the words out.

"She what?! What the hell happened?!"

J'onn continued to struggle, making you lose your patience. Unable to wait for his answer, you sped off to National City.


You didn't even realize you had stopped hearing Lena's heartbeat. It's presence was always there that you grew accustomed to it. You wracked your mind, trying to remember when you had stopped hearing it but you couldn't remember.

You tried to search for her heartbeat but it was gone. It wasn't anywhere in the city. You began to panic. It was hard not to think of the worst case scenario when J'onn was acting unusual and Alex was nowhere to be found. Needing answers, you flew to the DEO.


The DEO headquarters was empty. The only sign of life was a single light up room in the med bay.

Speeding to the room, you look through the window on the door to find Lena on the bed. Alex was sitting beside her with her hands covering her face. The door was nearly ripped apart from the force you used to open it. Alex turns to face you with tears in her eyes.


You fell to your knees, unable to hold yourself up anymore. The exhaustion and shock had taken a toll on your body.

"(y/n), I'm so sorry. I tried..."


You looked at Lena and then back at Alex. This all felt like a nightmare. One that you were going to wake up anytime.

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