You/Lena Luthor - Insomnia Part 1

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Lena woke up surprised that she had managed to sleep through the night

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Lena woke up surprised that she had managed to sleep through the night. She had gotten drunk before in hopes to help her sleep but it never worked. The headache she had was making it hard to think what could've helped her sleep so she decided to focus on getting rid of it.

She climbs out of bed to get some pills when she spots a note, pills and some water on her nightstand.

'Not sure if you remember last night but we met at the taxi. I helped you up to your apartment since you couldn't walk and then you wouldn't let me leave since you wanted to cuddle with me. I didn't want to leave since you clearly had too much to drink so I stayed. I would've stayed until you woke up but I was called in for an emergency at work. Here's my number if you ever need someone to pick you.'

'(y/n), 000-0000'

Lena groaned loudly, feeling embarrassed about what she had just read. The one time she had gone out alone and she managed to make a fool out of herself to a kind stranger. She was just glad that her drunk self was wise enough to trust someone nice. She couldn't exactly just ignore you after what you had done so she sent you a text to invite you for dinner as a thank you.


The two of you were quick to become best friend soon after the dinner. One dinner turned into two and eventually you were both inviting each other over to your places. Just for dinner and a movie but neither of you stayed over. The two of you had early mornings or would often be called for work emergencies to prevented either of you from staying over.

After what seemed like weeks, it had gotten late and neither of you had been called away or had work in the morning.

"You should stay over. I mean it's late and I could finally make you the pancakes I've been promising to make you for so long."

"I'd love to! I have to admit, this is my first sleepover..."

"What?! I must rectify that! We're going to stay up late and watch every classic sleepover movie there is. I hope you're prepared to stay up because I'm going to wake you up if you fall asleep."

Lena just laughed, not having the heart to tell you that she problems sleeping.

"I promise to not fall asleep."


You were surprised in the morning to find that you had actually fallen asleep. It was even more surprising that you had actually slept through the night without waking up. Counting this time, this was the second time she had gotten a good nights rest. The first one was when Lena forced you to cuddle with her. You were relieved to finally find your answer after struggling to find how you had managed to fall asleep the first time. It made you smile that Lena was the reason for your sleep.

She was still sleeping so you quickly got ready for the day and headed to the kitchen to make pancakes.


With you gone, Lena finally opened her eyes. She wasn't sure how to feel to realize that you were responsible for the fact that she had gotten some sleep. Now she wasn't sure if she actually had feelings for you or she subconsciously developed them for the sole fact that you helped her sleep. Needing to gather her thoughts, she rushed to get ready.

"Lena, the...."

"I'm sorry! I got called in for a work emergency."

"Wait!" You call out for her, stopping her from practically running out the door. "At least take them to go. Just a sec." You grab a container a place a few of them inside. "Let me know if you liked them."

She nods quickly and thanks you for the pancakes before leaving. Lena could tell you were concerned and she was grateful that you didn't ask her about it. It made it easy to leave.


You would've never thought that morning would've been the last time you would see Lena. After she had left, she stopped answering your calls and messages. You even resorted to sending her emails but those went unanswered. It was upsetting that she just completely ignored you. You weren't sure what you had done and you wanted to fix it.

It wasn't until you were about to give up after no contact for months when an opportunity arose. Your company was partnering up with L-Corp and they wanted you to discuss with the CEO about what the partnership would entail.

"Ms.'re not Ms. Smith."

"I'm not. I had to use a fake name so your secretary wouldn't cancel our meeting like the past several times."

Lena at least had the decency to look embarrassed.

"(y/n), I wanted to..."

"It doesn't matter what you wanted to do. What matters is that you didn't do it? Why did you ghost me? Did I do something to upset you? You just left without any explanation. Were my pancakes that bad?"

You joke about the pancakes, wanting to easy the mood. You didn't want to risk Lena panicking again.

"No, they were amazing. It's just...." She takes a deep breath, before continuing. "I realized something after our sleepover. I never told you this but I have insomnia. It didn't matter what I took, nothing helped. I could sleep at most 3 hours every night but when I shared the bed with you, I managed to sleep throughout the entire night. I panicked when I started to question if the feelings that I was developing for you were real or if if was something I subconsciously developed them. I didn't want to ruin our friendship and so I left to figure things out. I never intended to leave fo so long."

Lena had said a lot but the only thing you could focus was on the fact that she had feelings for you and that she had insomnia.

"...I don't know how it's possible but the same thing happened to me. I was only able to sleep well those two nights that we shared a bed. I was actually happy about it when I found out on the second night because for me it meant love at first. I met my person and my body automatically knew."

Silence enveloped the room as you both tried to figure what the next step would be.

"So what happens now?"

Lena finally asks.

"Whatever you want to happen. If you want to go back to the way things were then I'll be okay with that. If you want to be more than friends then that would be okay with me too."

"Just like that? You're not angry with me for just leaving you?"

"A little but I understand where your fears were coming from."

You frown as you watch her push a button, thinking that she was calling security.

"Jess, please cancel all my meetings. I'm going on a date."


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Part 3 //maybe

Lena Luthor - Part 2

Lena Luthor - Paparazzi

Lena Luthor - Close

Lena Luthor - Combinations

Lena Luthor - Fake


Thank you!

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