You/Lena Luthor - Not Her (Angst)

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TW: Manipulation

Lillian had captured you. She had waited until your wedding anniversary to drug you and take you in. There was so many things she wanted to do to you and so little time. Lillian's main priority was to destroy Lena's happiness. She knew how happy you had made her and that didn't sit well with her. It wasn't fair that her son was serving life sentences while Lena was roaming the country free.

She had tortured you for hours before moving you to a new location. You figured that Lillian knew that Supergirl and Lena were getting close and it made you lose hope every single time you were moved.

Lillian's torture methods had been pretty typical at first but then she moved on to torturing you mentally by bringing in an alien that transformed into Lena with her memories. At first, you knew that Lena would never hurt you with her words or hit you but the longer it happened, the more you started believing that it was actually Lena. How else would the alien know everything about you? You had told Lena things that you had never told anyone.


As the weeks passed by, you had become more and more of an empty shell of yourself. You weren't the same woman that had married Lena. You were afraid of her. Afraid of the words and punches that she would give you. Everytime Lena came into the cell to just visit, you would flinch when she would move her hands and then cower in the corner. The scars from the beatings always giving you a reminder of what would happened if you didn't hide yourself.

"You did it Lillian. (Y/n), is never going to look at Lena the same way ever. Is it safe to say that we should head out so they can find her?"

"Yes. Pack everything up and leave her cell open. Make sure the camera is uploading the files online. I want to see how heartbroken my daughter gets when she realizes what I did to her wife."

"Will do."


Soon enough, the warehouse was empty except for you. You didn't know that they had left you. All you could think about was the next time Lena would come in and how you were going to avoid getting her angry.

Lena had not been able to sleep for the past couple of months. All her energy had been focused on finding you and no matter what her friends told her, she did not rest.

"Lena, I think we found her location but unlike the others. This one was surprisingly abandoned rather quickly. We're not sure if she'll even be there."

"Lets go. I don't care if it's another false alarm."

Supergirl carried Lena in her arms to arrive much quicker.

"Stay close to me, Lena."

Lena stayed closed for a while but then soon ran from her when she heard movement near the cells.

"I think I found her!"

Lena rushed in, bursting into tears when she saw the state you were in. You had lost so much weight. Your hair had been badly cut and there were scars all over your body.


Hearing your name being yelled, quickly woke you up. As you had been trained by the alien, you got on your knees and lowered your head. The alien would either beat you or shower you with affection. It could never be predicted.

"Oh (y/n), what did they do to you."

She dropped down to her knees to give you a hug but you scrambled away. Afraid that she was going to hurt you.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Please don't hurt me."

Lena looked to Kara for help. She wasn't sure what was going on.

"(Y/n)? Do you remember me? Kara?"

She walked in, holding her hands up to show that she wasn't going to hurt you.

"Please tell Lena that I didn't mean to disappoint her, Kara. I-I was behaving good, it was just a small slip up."

You said, referring to what had happened when you moved away from Lena.

"(Y/n), sweetheart, Lena is not going to hurt you. She loves you very much. Stand up for me. Lets get you back home."

You shook your head rapidly.

"This is my home. I-I can't leave."

You turned to Lena and then back to Kara. Was this all a test? Was she testing you to see if you would disobey her orders despite her friends telling you otherwise.

"This is not your home, (y/n). You live with Lena. At her penthouse that overlooks the city."

You shook your head again.

"This is my home, Kara!" Your eyes widened at your mistake and then quickly tried to cover your body to avoid another beating. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You kept repeating.

Lena and Kara were at a loss of what to do. They had no idea what Lillian had done but they certainly had a vague idea of what had happened. Lillian had tortured you to believe that Lena only showed her love through punches and harsh words. Kara and Lena headed out of the cell to tell Alex what had happened. Only for them to realize that Alex had found tapes of exactly everything that they had done to you.

"She's going to need a lot of therapy Lena. It's not going to be pretty at all. She's going to think that everything you tell her is going to be a test. All she now knows is that she has to follow several rules that the alien beat her to remember."

"Oh god. I'm going to be sick."


Alex eventually figured it was better to give you something to sleep before they could transport you to the DEO. There, they dealt with your injuries first and then your mental state. Since you were severely traumatized, a therapist had recommended that anyone close to you would keep away. He had to help you realize that what you endured was not normal. That the Lena that had saved you was not the one that had hurt you.

It was going to be a long process but it was worth it if it meant that Lena would be happy. You had to keep her happy. You weren't sure if you could suffer through another of her beatings.


"How are things with Lena?"

"We're happy. I've been foll.. We've talked things over."

The therapist noticed your slip up. Each visit was getting harder to lie. He would change his questions, making it hard for you to lie about how things were. The alien had made sure that you knew how to lie to them so that you could never make progress. He was quite good at it. 3 years and you eventually slipped.

3 years that Lena had thought that things had gotten better. The only thing you had gotten better at was hiding.

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