You/Elizabeth Carruthers - Care Part 1

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Annoyed that Sam was taking forever yet again, you barged into his office

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Annoyed that Sam was taking forever yet again, you barged into his office.

"(y/n)! I told you to wait."

"I don't care, brother. You promised we would go to the market."

"I'm in the middle of something! You need to wait"

He yells at you while posting to Elizabeth. She gives you a smile when you look down at her.

"Oh...I thought.....I'm sorry!" You rush out of the room, embarrassed that you had acted like a child in front of Elizabeth. "Nevermind about the market. I feel sick."

You yell behind you so he would leave you alone to pity yourself. You've liked Elizabeth for the longest time and had been working on approaching her but you always ended up chickening out. After what had just happened, you don't think you could ever face her again. She wouldn't want anything to do with someone that acted like a child.


Elizabeth let her head rest ontop of her hand as she thought about you. After learning that Samuel had a sister, she had been thinking of a way to use that to her advantage. There was a chance that with you at her side, she would be able to land the investor. She had been planning to force one of the Brown brothers to marry her but it would be more beneficial of her to marry you.

The fact that you were a woman troubled her because of how religious people were in the town. She didn't have a problem with it and she knew Samuel wouldn't have a problem with it either. Samuel might've yelled at you but she could tell that he cared for you. He had after all gone to great lengths to hide you. He must've wanted to protect you.

With her mind made up, she began to plan how to get you to fall for her.


Samuel was suspicious about Elizabeth. Just yesterday, she had threatened his life for interfering with is business and now she was at his door asking for you.

"Oh come on, Samuel. Don't you want to make your dear sister happy. She wanted to go to the market and I know that you won't take her. You're not one for going to markets. I'll be happy to show her around."

He looks up to the door of your room to make sure it was still closed before continuing. The last thing he needed was for you to find out that Elizabeth wanted to take you out. You might've not said anything but he was more than aware about the fact that you liked Elizabeth.

"Why are you doing this? What do you gain from taking my sister to the market?"

"Me? I get to enjoy a day with a beautiful wom...."

He wraps his hands around her throat, not liking where she was going.

"You listen to me. You will not get near my sister. You will not look at her. You will not..."

"Brother! Who was at the door?"

He's quick to let Elizabeth go as you lean over the railing to see who he was talking about.

"Elizabeth Carruthers. I was wondering if you'd like to go to the market with me."

Samuel gave her a threatening look but she paid him no attention as she was focused on you.

"You want to go to the market with me?"

"I do. It's been a while since I've been to it and I know how you wanted to go. I figured this was a good opportunity to spend some time with you. I'd like to get to know you."


"I'm sorry, Elizabeth, but she will not be going. Thank you for the invitation but I'll be taking her...."

"I want to go with her."

Samuel wanted to murder Elizabeth as she smirked at him. He should've known that you would go.

"But (y/n). I was going to take you."

"I know but I'd like to go shopping without my brother for once. Is that okay?"

He sighs as you give him your best puppy-dog eyes. He hated when you used it on him. It was hard to tell you no without them. With them, it was near impossible.

"Fine but you'll be taking my bodyguard with you. I want to make sure that you're safe."

You give him a smile and pull him into a hug.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!"

"I...I can't breathe."

"Sorry! We should be going now."


Once Elizabeth took you out to the market, she kept asking you to go everywhere with her. Elizabeth could tell how much Samuel hated it and it made her want to piss him off further. He had been a thorn at her side for months and with her using you to boost her business, he stopped being a nuisance.

Elizabeth asked you out several weeks after your initial market date. You quickly accepted just like she predicted and soon after she proposed. Everything was moving fast but Elizabeth needed to get rid of Samuel altogether. With you marrying her, he would have no choice but to join both businesses.

"You might have fooled my sister but you're not fooling me."

"I don't know what you're saying, Samuel."

She laughs as his face contorts in anger. She could tell that he was holding himself back from hurting her because of you.

"You know damn well what I'm saying. You only got close to my sister for your business. You're just using her."

"You're family now. There's no reason for me to lie anymore. I do in fact love your sister, Samuel. Getting you out of my way was just a bonus."

Just like before, he wraps his hands around her throat as he yells at her. Elizabeth didn't even bother to stop him, knowing that you would come rushing when you heard the commotion. She felt a little guilty about what you were going to walk into but Samuel needed to be gone. He would never allow her to be happy with you. She might've been using you at first but she had actually fallen for you.

"Samuel! Get off of her!"

When he hears you, he quickly lets go but not before seeing the smile Elizabeth had.

"She was just using you! Elizabeth doesn't love you!"

"Yes, she does! You're only saying that because you never liked her in the first place!"

You make your way to her side to make sure that she's okay while he continues to explain himself.

"Please believe me! I only want for you to be happy!"

"She makes me happy!"

Elizabeth's guilt starts to eat at her as she watches the two of you fight for the first time. She knew how much you cared about him and she knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if the two of you became estranged. She already got what she wanted, the least she could do is make sure you still had your family. It annoyed her at times that you had made her soft. Months ago, she wouldn't even think about saving your family.

"It's okay, (y/n). Samuel cares about you. I just set him off and I apologize. I'm sorry. Lets just put this whole thing behind us and move on."

"Fine but I'll kill you if you..."


He sighs as you yell at him.

"I meant, fine. Lets put this behind us."


Samuel watched as the two of you do your first dance. Seeing the two of you made him realize that Elizabeth wasn't lying. She had genuinely come to fall for you. For now, he was going to step down in breaking the two of you up but if he saw something he didn't like, he would start up his plan again.

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