You/Elizabeth Carruthers - Care Part 2

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"I think there's been enough time for you to take notice of the fact that I do love and care for your sister

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"I think there's been enough time for you to take notice of the fact that I do love and care for your sister."

"You have to forgive me Mrs. Grant. I only want what's best for my sister. The fact that you started off your relationship with her to ruin my business has never sat well with me."

"I've changed my last name! I've worked my ass off to make our businesses successful without any of your help! What more do you want from me?"

He laughs at her outburst. It was always so easy to set her off by now. He poured himself a large cup of whiskey and took a long sip of it.

"For you to tell her the truth." He tells her when he sets his cup down. "If she stills decides to be with you then I'll consider you part of the family and join our businesses together."

"You can't seriously think that it will end well. She'll be crushed, Samuel."

Samuel didn't like that his planned involved you getting hurt but it needed to be done. This was a last ditch effort to get rid of her. If you ended up staying with her then he would give up and finally accept her but if you didn't, he'll crush her like he should've done months ago.

"That is not my problem, Elizabeth. You were the one who thought it would be a grand idea to take advantage of my sister and use her to get to me. I suggest you start packing your bags because she'll never want to see you after you tell her the truth."

He laughed when he noticed her hands twitch at her sides. It was obvious that she was holding back from hitting him and it was satisfying to see that he had finally gotten the upper hand.

"Packing my bags won't be necessary. I'm sure your loving sister will realize that I'm a changed woman and I truly do love her."

In a fit of anger, he throws his glass as she leaves. His plan was off to a bad start. He had hoped Elizabeth would back down but instead she was pushing forward.


"....I used you....."

You could tell Elizabeth was saying other things but you stopped paying attention after hearing that she had only started dating you because she wanted to take down your brother's business. You should've known that someone like her would've never been with someone like you.

"Our relationship started off with a lie?"

"It did but then it wasn't a lie anymore! Please believe me when I tell you that I truly do love you, darling. Everything I do is because I want to build a family with you. I care so much about you and I'm sorry that I kept this from you."

Elizabeth slipped down from her chair and got on her knees in front of you. She held both of your hands while she continued to plead for forgiveness.

"Why are you telling me this now?"

You ask with tears rolling down your cheeks. Elizabeth attempts to wipe them away but you pushed her hand off. She's clearly hurt by your action but you pay it no attention. You pain was worse than what she could be feeling.

"I...your....." Elizabeth took a deep breath, letting her forehead rest on your thighs as she started to cry. "the businesses need to unite in order to make bigger profit. Your brother refuses to trust me because he believes that I'm still using you. He says if I told you and you remained with me that he'll accept combining both of the businesses."

You stood up, putting a distance between the two of you. You wanted to walk out and never look back but you couldn't.

"So this was all because of your stupid business? You were never going to tell me?!"

Elizabeth didn't bother to stand up, she just turned to face you.

"I'm doing this for us! I dealt with the uncertainty of not knowing when I would be able to eat next. I was forced to marry just so I wouldn't starve. I want to provide for you. Make enough money that we don't know what to do with so you can have everything you ever want and our future kids won't be forced to marry to someone they don't love for money."

You couldn't be mad at her. Not after hearing that she was doing everything for you and your future family. You make your way over to her, kneeling in front of her. You cup both of her cheeks, forcing her to look at you.

"My brother is going to kill me but I'm staying with you. How can I leave after what you just said."

Happy beyond belief, Elizabeth pulls you in for a deep kiss.


Samuel stared at you in disbelief. He couldn't believe you were staying with her after what she had done.

"Are you sure about this, (y/n)? Once I sign these papers, the deal is sealed."

"I'm sure, Samuel. Elizabeth has truly changed."

He sighs and signs the papers as he promised.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Hurt


Thank you!

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