You/Lena Luthor - Close

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Lena was disappointed when you hugged her rather than give her a kiss

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Lena was disappointed when you hugged her rather than give her a kiss. She couldn't understand what was taking you so long to just kiss her. She would've kissed you immediately after your first date but never got to courage to do so. She worried that she would've made you uncomfortable and so she figured it was best to let you set the pace.

"Hey! A new restaurant just opened up, do you want to check it out? I heard the food there is to die for."

"I'd love to! What time can you meet?"

You look down at your watch to check the time. You only had a couple of more things to do before you could finish the day.

"Is 6 alright? I can pick you up."

"6 works for me."

"Perfect. I'll pick you up then."

You give her a kiss on the cheek and then head out. It was impossible to think of work so Lena headed home early to prepare. She hoped tonight's date would be the date you would finally kiss her.


Lena spent the rest of the evening getting ready for the date. She had gone out to shop for an outfit and return home to do her hair and makeup. She opted to do it just like the times you mentioned liking the way her hair or makeup looked in hopes to tempt you. It was a little embarrassing for her to be doing all of this just for a kiss but it's been more than 20 dates and you had yet to do anything other than hug and kiss her cheek. Sometimes she often wondered if she had made up your relationship in her mind then she remembered explicitly called her your first girlfriend a few months ago. It had shocked her at first but the more she had thought about it, the more she was okay with being your girlfriend

Just as she finishes putting on her lipstick, she gets a call.

"Lena! I'm here. Where are you?"

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in a second."

She knew how difficult it was to find parking in her apartment building so she was used to you calling her to head downstairs. Grateful that she had an elevator for herself, she managed to make it down within a few minutes.

" Lena. You look amazing."

Lena let her eyes wonder to check out your outfit and was a little upset that you hadn't even bothered to dress up. You were still wearing the outfit you had gone to work with.

"Thank you, did you just get out of work?"

"I did!" You tell her as you start driving. "Something came up and I was going to be late if I headed home to change. I feel underdressed. You look breathtaking as always."

Lena smiled and changed the conversation to talk about something else.


You were telling Lena a story but she wasn't listening to it. She had stopped listening when your eyes light up as you talked about Kara. You couldn't seriously be talking about another woman as if the two of you weren't on a date.

"(y/n), I don't want to talk about Kara. We're on a date."

You immediately feel bad, and begin to apologize profusely. You had invited her for dinner to spend some time with her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine. Lets just change the subject."

You agree and change the subject.


The two of you finished without any incidents and now you were heading back home. Lena had been less talkative after what had happened earlier. You tried to talk to her about it but she just changed the subject. After parking the car, you quickly made your way over to open the door. She thanks you as she exits the car.

"When are you going to kiss me?"

She finally asks when the two of you arrive at her elevator. Your eyes widen, surprised about the question.

"Kiss you? I don't understand. Why would I kiss my friend?"

Lena frowns at the mention of the word friend.

"Friend? What are you talking about? We're dating. You said we were girlfriends."

Suddenly everything starts to click for you. Why Lena started to dress up for the dinners you invited her to. How she always made the hugs last longer than a friendly hug should last. How often times she kissed the corner of your lips.

"Lena, we're friends. I..."

You immediately want to take back what you said when her face fell. Tears welled up in her eyes but she turned around before you could see them fall.

"Forgive me. I misinterpreted things."

Her voice was shaky as she tried to hold back her tears at least until she wasn't in your presence.

"Lena, lets talk about this. Please." Lena shrugged your hand off and immediately scanned her card so the elevator could open. As it does, she steps inside and frantically presses the button to close the door but it doesn't since you were keeping it from closing. "We need to talk about this, Lena."

"I j...just want to be alone, (y/n). I need some time."

You didn't want to leave her alone but you had already done enough. You had strung her along without even realize it. You let the door go and step back. As the door closes, you could see her tears sliding down her cheeks.


Lena began to sob immediately as the doors closed. She couldn't believe how much of an idiot she had been. She had made up your entire relationship in her head. If only she hadn't been so blind, she would've realized that you only saw her as a close friend.

The doors open straight to her apartment and she heads to her liquor cabinet to pull out the strongest she has. She rips off her dress and begins to drink straight from the bottle. She had desperately wanted for you to be in love with her that she made the whole thing up.

She ended up crying herself to sleep, holding on to the empty bottle for comfort.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Part 3 //maybe

Lena Luthor - Combinations

Lena Luthor - Fake

Lena Luthor - Promises

Lena Luthor - Part 2 //katya


Thank you!

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