You/Elizabeth Carruthers - Prison

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You sat in the corner, watching your brothers arguing about something that you didn't care about

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You sat in the corner, watching your brothers arguing about something that you didn't care about. What you cared about was getting out of prison as you had only been imprisoned because of who you were related.

"I don't know why the two of you are even arguing with each other. We need to figure out a way to get out of here. There three of us are in here so we can't bail each other out nor do we even have the money."

"I'll figure something out."

"You will?"

You asked him, not quite believing that Douglas was telling the truth. He was always making empty promises.

"That's quite hilarious. Considering how much you owe. I don't think you'll be able to afford bail."

You hide behind your brothers when Elizabeth showed up out of nowhere. You had always found her beautiful but she scared you.

"Elizabeth! Our condolences. Its a terrible loss. To what do we owe the pleasure."

Elizabeth ignores them as she looks at you. You avert your eyes, unable to keep eye contact with her.

"I've arranged to pay your debt to Samuel Grant and release you from prison."

Your brothers looked at each other, finding it suspicious that she had done this.

"On what condition?"

"I require that you hand over control of your business to me and..." She gets closer to you, cupping your cheek when your brothers step aside. "I want you to marry me."


You ask quietly, unable to believe that Elizabeth Carruthers was asking you to marry her.

"Yes, you. So what do you say?"

"Absolutely not. I'm not letting you marry my sister."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Douglas? For all you know, you'll be stuck here forever. This is your only way out."

"I don't care. I'm not marrying....."

"I'll do it." You interrupt him. You had already made up your mind since she asked you, you just didn't want to seem desperate.

"(y/n), you don't have to do this. I can figure something out."

"Like you figured something out the last several times. This is our only way, Douglas."

Elizabeth held out her hand for you to take.

"I'm glad you agreed. I'll post bail and get the two of you out soon."

You take her hand and follow her out of the cell. Your brothers tried to get your attention but you ignored them, choosing instead to focus on what Elizabeth was telling you.


After going through all the paperwork to pay the debt your brothers owed and posting bail, night had fallen. You both arrived back to Elizabeth's place exhausted and in need of sleep.

"It is entirely up to you but you can either stay in your own bedroom or in mine."

"Yours!" You feel your cheeks heat up when she smirks. "I mean I'd like to stay with you."

"You're so cute, (y/n). I'm glad you decided to accept my proposal. Come on. Our bedroom is this way."

She intertwines your fingers together and leads you upstairs.


Once you had showered and changed, you laid on the empty side of the bed on your back.

"Are you awake?"

You whisper quietly.

"I am. Are you having second thoughts?"

Elizabeth asks as she turns around to face you.

"I'm not." You say as you turn to face her as well. "Thank you for helping us out. My brothers try their best but they just aren't good business men."

"Then it's a good thing that I stepped in. Don't worry. I'll show you all the ropes. Get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow for the wedding."

"We're getting married so soon?"

It was a little overwhelming to hear that you were soon to be wed. You had believed to have more time.

"Is that a problem?"

" I just...It's not a problem."

Elizabeth holds one of your hands with both of hers.

"I know what people say about me. That I'm a cruel woman and so on. The rumors are of course true but they don't apply to you. I care about you and I'd like for us to actually make it work as a couple."

You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You should've picked sleeping in your room to avoid laying so close to her.

"I'd like that too."

You say breathlessly. She gives you a warm smile and kisses the back of your hand.

"Good. I'm looking forward to a successful marriage then."

Elizabeth soon fell asleep while still holding your hand and you remain awake for the better part of the night. It was impossible to fall asleep with how fast your heart was racing.

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