You/Lena Luthor - Busy

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Every 3rd Friday was girl's night

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Every 3rd Friday was girl's night. It had started off with Alex and Kara for sister's night but then it was changed to every 4th Friday of the month when Kara and Lena became friends. The original sister's night was changed to girl's night for the three to get together. When things become serious with Kara and Sam, Sam was invited. After 6 months of dating Alex, Kelly joined them. You were the last one to join after you and Lena hit your 8th month of dating.

You had been nervous to finally meet all her friends so you made sure to clear your schedule to mentally prepare yourself for the day. Lena kept making sure that you were okay with it until you promise her that you were simply nervous.

Just as you were about to head to Kara's apartment, you got pulled in for a last minute emergency. You sent Lena a text, letting her know that you would be late but you will be making it.

"So Sam is not going to be able to make it, she had to deal with a work emergency."

"Oh, so did (y/n) but she'll be a little late."

The 3 of them are surprised that you would still be coming. With their busy jobs, they know how work emergencies always meant spending 2-3 hours to fix it.

"Really? It's okay if she can't make it. There's always next month."

"I know and I've told her for other events when she has to deal with work emergencies but she always promises to come."

"Well that's nice. Maybe we should take notes from her."

The subject changes and they pull out a game while you arrive.


Kara's surprised to find you out of breath at the door while holding up two bottles of wine and pizza boxes.

"Sorry, I tried my best to make things quick. I didn't miss anything."

Kara smiles and steps aside to let you in.

"Not at all. We were in the middle of a game."

She takes the pizza and you join the others with the bottles of wine.


"You know, (y/n). We were surprised that you were able to come. We didn't think you would make it with your work emergency."

Alex tells you when the night starts to die down.

"Well when you love someone, you make sure to always make time for them."


Months pass by and everyone becomes used to your late arrivals. You propose and wedding preparations begin. You make sure to be there for every single decision of the wedding and even take several days off when Lena asks you to help her.

"So I noticed that your parents weren't on the list. You're not going to invite them."

"Oh. I must've forgotten. I'll add them."

Lena knew there was no way you might've forgotten. She wasn't sure why you hadn't included them and from the tears forming in your eyes, she knew it wouldn't be a good idea to ask. She had only met them once and never saw them again. You never even mentioned them unless she asked you.


The day of the wedding arrives and your parents are nowhere in sight. Your siblings were already in their seats and even Lillian had made it.

"Lets just start the wedding. There's no reason to wait..."

"(y/n). Your parents aren't here. We can wait...."

You finally turn to face her, making her gasp when she sees you crying.

"Lena, please. They're not going to come. All they care about is work. They texted me that they had a work emergency early in the morning and I thought that maybe today would be different. I feel like an idiot for expecting something else from them."

Lena wraps her arms around you, pulling you in for a tight hug. You let your head rest against her chest as you tried to calm down.

"Lets not let them ruin our day."

You pulled back from the hug to give Lena a small smile.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

Lena wipes away your tears and leans in to kiss you.

"There's nothing for you to apologize, darling. It's your parents that should be apologizing."


When all your friends learned about what had happened in the wedding, they all made an effort to show up to every single event. They refused to be like your parents.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Hers


Thank you!

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