You/Lena Luthor - Fall

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You stared at your ringing phone, unable to bring yourself to answer it. It stops ringing, allowing you to finally pick up your phone. You wait a couple of more seconds to see that it wouldn't ring again before checking your notifications.

15 missed calls

5 new messages

Opening up, you can't help but feel guilty as you read through the messages that Lena had sent you.

"I'm home early, I'm thinking of making your favorite for dinner. What do you say?"

"Will you be home for dinner? If not, I can drop it off for you?"

"Your secretary says you haven't left your office in a while. Do you want me to come over? I can keep you company."

"You're not answering your phone so you must be busy. I'll just make a quick stop by your office."

"They told me that you don't want any visitors, including me. Did I do something?"

Just as you finish reading the last one, another one pops up.

"I left your food at the front desk. I might be overthinking things but if there's something wrong, please let me know."

Rather than reply to any of her messages, you simply sent her a message that you were heading home after an hour of debating with yourself about what to answer.


You stand at the front door of the apartment, unable to bring yourself to open the door. It was late in the night but you knew Lena was a probably working in the living room to wait for you. You knew that you had to go in sooner or later but you weren't ready for what you were going to do. The last thing you wanted was to hurt Lena but it was way too late for you. You had hurt the moment you kissed someone else.

With a sigh, you pull out your keys and open the door. You're greeted by the sight of Lena sleeping on the couch. You carefully make your way to her, not wanting to wake her up.

You stare at her for a second, and then leaned down to kiss her cheek before making your way to the balcony. Needing to calm your nerves, you pulled out a cigarette from Lena's secret stash and took a long drag.

It's quiet and peaceful for a few minutes, allowing you to calm down just a little. You close your eyes to enjoy the cool breeze.

"Lena won't be happy to see you smoking."

"Lena won't be happy to see me."

You mutter under your breath but Kara was still able to hear. She lands on the balcony besides you.

"What are you talking about?"

"Forget it. Why are you here?"

Kara grabs the cigarette from between your lips and tossed it on the ground to crush it with her boot.

"What do you mean that she won't be happy to see you?"

She was going to kill you and maybe you were okay with that.

"Shouldn't you be patrolling the city?"

"Stop avoiding my question and answer it!"

The two of you continue going back and forth until the balcony door opens and Lena pops her head out.

"(y/n)...Kara? What are you doing here?"

The sight of Lena wrapped up in a blanket makes you smile and for the briefest second, you forget about what you've been hiding.

"(y/n) has something to tell you."

Lena turns to face you, waiting for what you had to say.

"I uh...." You turn to Kara and then Lena, trying to force the words to come out but it's impossible. "This is between me and Lena, Kara. You should go?"

"I'm her best friend. I shou...."

"Kara, please. Just give us a moment."

Lena interrupts her, knowing Kara would refuse to leave. Kara wanted to stay as her gut was telling her that something was wrong. She tried to convince Lena to stay but she was having none of it. With a sigh, she heads outs, leaving the two of you alone.

"I never meant for anything to happen. I don't even know what I was thinking. Things just happened so fast and I was just so....."

"Just tell me!"

She yells at you, getting impatient as you tried to delay what you had to say. Lena had an idea of what you were going to say but she didn't want to be right. She was hoping and even praying that she was wrong.

"I cheated on you."

Lena couldn't understand how just four words could turn your whole world upside down. She stared at you for the longest time, trying to control her emotions before speaking again.


"Does it really matter.."

"Yes! It fucking matters! Tell me!"

You flinch as she starts yelling.

"Two weeks ago. It was a mistake! I..."

"Get the fuck out."

"Lena, please just..."

"Leave or I'll get Kara to drag you out of the apartment."

Knowing that Kara might go through with her promise, you muttered a quiet apology and quickly left the apartment with just your bag.


When she finally hears the door close behind you, Lena makes her way back inside. She was going to head straight to her bedroom but stopped at the last minute and headed to the guest room. She didn't want to sleep in the same bed as you.

The thought of calling Kara came to mind but she knew just how protective Kara was of her. If Kara knew of what you've done, she knew you would simply disappear from the city. She hated that she still cared about you even after what you had done.

She had done everything right and even then you had cheated. She cried herself to sleep while thinking about the ring that was buried deep in her drawer.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Part 3 //maybe

Lena Luthor - Insomnia

Lena Luthor - Part 2


Thank you!

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